For Me and For You

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And although it feels like home
I can't say that when I'm with you
I don't feel alone

Because the way my life is set
I've never been too concerned 
With being the best

But when I'm with you in the end
I'm not sure if you're meant as a lover,
An enemy, or a friend

I do know that things have changed

And no matter how hard we try
They'll never be the same

I loved you, I love you, I do
I just don't know if I can see
What you're saying as true

To give up would mean to quit
I look at you, my dreams of future
And I know that this could be it

When I think of myself without you
It's hard to imagine the sorrow
And if you'd feel it too

How do I live like this?
Without a day that
Has no kiss

I can't keep fighting

The bickering's too much
I can live without it
But not your touch

I can't figure it out
Do I mean nothing
What's the point 
If there's only something

That's enough to keep you

From leaving

But not enough

To keep me breathing

I don't know how 

I'm supposed to cope
With all these girls
There is no hope

I hate that I love you
But how can I hate you

You're all that I've looked for
But you can't do

What's necessary for us
For me and for you

Forget to RememberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ