Not Here

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I lost thinking... thinking that maybe it wasn't the best idea...maybe I shouldn't pretended that everything was fine when it really wasn't....

I just don't want to be upset anymore....

I don't want the feelings of dread to eat me alive... I can't let it happen again...

I losing myself in the pit of darkness that is my pot...where the rest of you lay...roasting next to me... If I need to step on you to get out...I'll never do it...

I'll just offer my face as your stepping stool...your stepping stool to happiness...

I'm here, I'll make you happy even if it kills me....


But if you care, you won't put me back in that place...

You'll help me out...

At least you'll turn around and see if you can help me.... don't leave me hanging from the edge of the close to the roaster....

Don't let me fall...

Don't let me roast...

Catch me....

Or don't...I'm used to being let down...

Just watch my soul burn as you let me fall down...down...



Thanks for nothing....

If you could be anywhere...I know one thing as to where it would be...

N O T   H E R E...

Forget to RememberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang