Nobody's Home

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Has anyone ever felt alone...?

So alone that it doesn't matter if you're surrounded by people, you're alone...?

You're alone because the one person you always thought would be there isn't.

They just walked right out of your life because they thought it would be perfectly okay....

And you sit there and you try to make the best of it... but you never can... and you never will...

The pain you feel in your heart will always be there and you will never forget it...

I'd hate to be a Debby Downer but it's the truth...

Life will always throw things at you that you can't handle or just aren't ready to handle... But you wanna know the truth??

You have to. You are the only one who can make things better for yourself because no matter who says they're going to be there forever...forever is a long time that will never be fulfilled because nobody has the guts... All they want is the glory.

And I bet you feel real Great, don't you?

Knowing you hung me out to dry...

Left me wishing I understood...

I wish I had her strength, and that's why I hate her, when all she is to me is a character in a book.

I hate her because I can't do what she did and that was stay away.

I'm a failure...

That's all I'll ever be...


I've never been anybody and if you concer than prove to me that I'm something more, because until then, I refuse to believe it....


Everyday, I miss you. I miss who I was when I talked to you. And everyday I think what I could have done differently, maybe to have won you, or what I could do to win you back...but everyday, I know it's too late and I had my chance and now it's gone because now I mean nothing to you and that's all I've ever meant to you.

What if I never made it...

Then would you care



K, That's what I thought.

I'll just sit here in my tears wallowing at what was never going to happen and what will never happen all because of one thing.


It's all my fault, everything that happened and everything that I did

Forgive me not for what I've done but for what I will do.

The worst mistakes are the ones we don't learn from.

Was I a mistake?

Did you learn??


K then.

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