Good Enough?

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What's wrong with me..? Am I that bad? Apparently.

Ive gotta be too much to handle or maybe I'd be happy. This makes me want to change myself... and that's kind of hard when I don't even know who 'me' is. I'm just another face... one who doesn't know where I belong.

I'm just a mask. A mask made up of pieces from every single one of you... because if I was my own person, maybe I would belong somewhere.... but I've got no where to belong... I just kind of drift from group to group trying to find a family that will treat me like the person that I am... but no ... I can't..

I can't find who I really am because I'm just this person... this person made up from others... and it makes me question at times whether I'm ever actually a person at times... maybe I should just stop... I'm confusing myself...

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