Chapter 1 - Paisley's P.O.V.

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    Hi, I'm Paisley an I am a Hybrid, half vampire and half werewolf. My father is a werewolf (Alpha) and my mother is a vampire. My parents are mates. Vampires and werewolves get along extremely well. Not like the shows and movies, vampires soulmates can be a werewolf and the other way around. Your soulmate can also be another female or another male, either way you'll love them. So let me describe myself a little bit. I have long black hair and silver eyes (they're rare but so am I).

    Hybrids, like me, are going extinct. We're a dying breed. I can live up to 350 years if my mate doesn't reject me. If they do reject me then I can only live up to 200. My great grandfather was a Hybrid until he died a couple of years ago due to a vampire attack. He was 336 years old, he didn't look a day over 25. My mom and dad are both 92 years old but they still look like they're in their twenties. Werewolves and vampires live up to 250 years. I'm only 17 years old but I turn 18 tomorrow....

    I woke up to my brother blasting music while he was taking a shower.

    "Jack turn that shit down." I said but of course he didn't listen. Jack is a vampire, he's 19 and hasn't found his mate yet. I'm turning 18 today, you're supposed to find your mate at age 18... Yay. Jack and I are a year and two months apart, but he acts like he's five years older than me. Even though I can easily kick his ass, he he.

    Finally, his music stopped playing and he walked out of the bathroom. I finally get it all to myself. It only takes me four to five minuets to get ready cause of my increased speed. Vampires and werewolves already have it but since I'm both, I am faster that normal. After five minuets I'm clean, dressed and ready to go to school.

    "Hurry up Paisley, you have to leave right now or you'll be late to your new school!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I ran down the stairs, grabbed my stuff and ran out the front door to my baby. My fluffing car, you can tell that I'm lonely.

    When I got to school I could already smell it, coconut and mint.

    "Mate." My wolf Rachel said. I decided to follow the scent and it lead me right to the biggest player in the whole damn school. Mason, he's also been my brothers best friend since grade school.

    "No, anyone but you," I said while turning around and punching the hard tile wall. My fist went straight through it.

    "Why did you do that Paisley!" Jack yelled at me, but before I could answer him Mason did.

    "She's my mate."

The Last Hybrid :: Book One ::Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora