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  Blackjack bent down so that it would be easier to lift Dicky up with his wing. It didn't seem to be working, though. And the kid's enormous body was crushing Blackjack's wing.

  Just as he was going to try again, he saw a flash of movement through the smoke that was starting to clear.

  Without thinking, he retracted his wing from underneath Dicky, making him roll once before he was stopped ny his own fat, and galloped towards where he saw the movement. He could hear his friends and the dryads calling after him, but he pretended he couldn't hear them.

  He didn't know why he was galloping after the movement, but it just felt right. He could see a figure running in the distance. Actually, the figure wasn't running, it seemed as if he were surfing...on a glowing piece of green...something. (A/N Kinda like in Avatar: The Last Airbender, except instead of fire or earth, it's some kind of weird glowing green energy-like thingy.)

  The figure was already too far away to catch up with, so, reluctantly, Blackjack turned back around.

  Guido, Porkpie, the dryads and Dicky were gone, so Blackjack assumed either Guido or Porkpie had picked up the kid and left.

  Blackjack let his eyes wander around a little more. When he was certain there was no one else there, he spread his slightly burned wings and took off in the direction of camp.

  Oh, thanks a lot for leaving us there with the kid, Jack, snapped Guido. It seemed that he was the one who carried Dicky this time. His body was sagging like Porkpie's.

  The six dryads were being patched up by a couple of Apollo and Demeter kids. The fire had died down entirely when Blackjack flew out. Strangely, the trees only seemed to have taken less burn damage than they should have taken, which was probably how the other dryads, who were weeping because of the damage done to their trees, were still alive right now.

  Annie was talking to Juniper, who had been healed. Blackjack cantered over to them, leaving Porkpie and Guido, who was groaning as he tried to stay on his hooves. The goat guy was there too, holding his girlfriend's hand.

  The boss's girlfriend listened to Juniper with wide eyes. What's going on? Blackjack asked Goater, or whatever his name was. He was a Satyr, so he understood him.

  Juniper said she saw Percy right before the fire started. But he didn't seem to remember her at all, he explained.

  So the boss was the one who started the fire. Who else(A/N Other than Sam Temple. I'm looking at you, tikachi) could throw green glowing stuff from their hands? This was starting to scare Blackjack even more than he already was. And it made him even more determined to find him and force him to explain how he got his powers. Plus, try to knock some memories into him.

 THE LAZINESS CONSUMES ME ONCE MORE. Anyway, I got a school holiday next week! Be happy for me! Now I can finally relax and at least try to stop my head from hurting so much.



Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now