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Fourteen donuts, twelve cupcakes and seven milkshakes later, Piper, Jason, Grover and Blackjack were standing in front of the 'Room With Deep Dark Secrets That Should Never Be Shared'.

Blackjack had cupcake frosting and donut crumbs on his muzzle, which he continually licked at.

They all stared at the dark wooden door, hesitant to see what was inside. Blackjack would've opened it, had it not been for the fact that he had no hands to turn the knob with.

Finally, after a few tense minutes, Piper reached towards the knob, apparently being braver than even her boyfriend.

The door slowly swung open, a dimly-lit room appearing behind it.

The demigods, satyr and pegasus made their way inside, sticking close together for fear of what they might find.

"Huh, this isn't so ba–AARGH!" Jason hurriedly stepped back from the large cage in the middle of the room. The cage, which was made of what Blackjack assumed was Celestial Bronze, held a creature that came straight out of a nightmare.

It was covered with slime,which pooled on the floor of the cage, multiple spikes protruding from its body. Its small grey eyes darted back and forth, as though it were blind, and it sniffed at the four intruders, growling loudly and menacingly.

Looking around, Blackjack realised there were more. The entire room contained about fifty more cages. Each of them held different creatures. Some big, some small. Some fur-covered, some scale-covered. All of them terrifying and, most likely, extremely dangerous, judging by the many, many sharp 'accessories' attached to them.

"What," started Jason.

"The," Piper continued.

"Actual." That was Grover.

Blackjack whinnied. (A/N If you get what I mean. *wiggles eyebrows*)

Oh mah gods. Two chapters in one day? No way! But yeah, no, two chapters in one day.


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now