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The little adventure, unfortunately, was not fun at all. Blackjack and Goater, plus two of the boss's buddies, Piper and Jason, who insisted on tagging along, ended up in the labyrinth.

Of course, Goater was basically the opposite of happy, but there was no choice. It was either enter the labyrinth or get eaten by a hydra. If that Leo kid had gone with them, they probably could have killed the hydra and avoided the labyrinth.

So, the group of four wandered around the labyrinth, desperately looking for a way out, Jason leading the way and Blackjack taking up the rear.

They were currently in a long hexagon-shaped tunnel. Lit torches lined the walls, each about five feet apart.

Without warning, the ground beneath Blackjack's feet seemed to turn to liquid. Before the pegasus could even react, he was dragged downwards and into complete darkness.

He dropped like a stone, the other three right next to him, judging by all the screaming. He flapped his wings, trying to slow his descent, but accidentally whacking someone on the head, probably Goater, who was most likely knocked out by the powerful wing.

The screaming abruptly ceased when they landed on the...ground? They bounced a few times on it.

A dim light flickered on behind them. A bald 7 foot tall man with gray leathery skin stood at the doorway, a look of concern on his face.

"I was wondering whether I heard voices in here," said the man. "Hmm, looks like your friend there is a little tired." He gestured towards Goater, who was lying face down on the ground.

Oh, wait. It's a gigantic bed.

Well, that wasn't something Blackjack had expected.

For a moment, Blackjack thought he saw recognition flash in the man's eyes as he looked at Goater, but it was gone before he could confirm it. 

"Huh," said Jason. "I'm surprised I'm not the one who was knocked out."

Just as he said that, a large rectangular-shaped rock fell from above, making contact with his head, instantly knocking him unconscious.

"Well, then..." Piper smirked at his boyfriend.

There ya go! Guess who the man is. C'mon! It's easy! Like, REALLY easy.


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now