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The campers gaped in awe at Clawless, who lay in the middle of camp, eyes closed, completely ignoring them.

The other creatures would have been freed as well, but it seemed that not all of them were as grateful for their freedom from their cages as Clawless was.

Chiron, whose appearance had, for some reason, been scarce, was trying to usher the campers back to their respective lessons. (A/N And the reason he had disappeared is totally not because I forgot about his existence. Hehe...heh...)

Blackjack headed back to the stables for some well-deserved rest, only to find a certain brown-eyed Cyclops inside, surrounded by pegasi, who practically begged for his attention.

Blackjack remembered back before the boss disappeared, most of these pegasi often avoided the Cyclops.

He had a broad smile on his face, but Blackjack could tell it was partially fake, due to the disappearance of his half-brother.

"Tyson! Hey, buddy!" Blackjack called.

The Cyclops turned at the new voice, eye wide. As did the other pegasi, who were also unfamiliar with the concept of a speaking pegasus.

"JACK!" Tyson bellowed. He ran over to the pegasus, his large feet leaving small craters where they landed.

He pulled Blackjack into a bone-crushing hug. So bone-crushing, in fact, that he probably did crush a few bones.

"I DIDN'T KNOW PONIES CAN TALK!" Tyson shouted right in Blackjack's ear, nearly deafening him.

"Hey, bud, turn down the volume could you? Uh, anyway, we can't talk. That's true, but Leo made me this fancy collar, and now I can talk! Isn't that awesome?"

Tyson didn't answer. He was busy staring at the collar, which had lights that blinked on and off every time Blackjack spoke, fascination shining in his eye.

He reached for the collar, pressing a button on it. "What does this do?" he asked.

Blackjack opened his mouth to say: "No idea", but instead, a strange shrill sound came out.

The pegasus immediately shut his mouth. Tyson fell to the floor, the ground shaking as he did so, the other pegasi in the stable losing balance and falling. The Cyclops clutched his sides as he laughed loudly.

Blackjack rolled his eyes when the other pegasi began rolling on the ground in laughter, having heard the weird sound themselves.

Why Leo had added changing voices an option, Blackjack had no idea. But he was so gonna kick his butt for it.

Oh, look. It's a filler. Whatevs.


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now