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"So, you actually aren't sure whether he's here or not?" asked Reyna, following the group as they led her around Camp Jupiter, passed by demigods who greeted their praetor.

Reyna and Annie had agreed to split up so that they could cover more ground, and the praetor ended up with Jason and Blackjack.

"Well, Chaos told Blackjack," Jason gestured to the pegasus, "that Percy is where many demigods dwell."

"Chaos who?

"Chaos the primordial."

"Okay, but isn't it possible he's at Camp Halfblood?"

Blackjack shook his head. "Chaos said he isn't there."

If the praetor was surprised at the talking pegasus, she didn't show it.

"Did he mention where exactly he is?"

"Nope. He's as dramatic as Zeus," answered Blackjack. The statement was accompanied by thunder, though the sky was clear as could be. A warning from the Sky god. The pegasus rolled his eyes, but didn't say any more.

"He can't be in the camp. I'd know if he was," said Reyna.

"What about the city?" asked Jason.

"Terminus would've told me. No, he's not here in the camp or in the city."

Blackjack knew what his companions were wondering. If he wasn't in either places, where could he be?

They reached the temples, in which some demigods were giving offerings to the gods.

Blackjack walked to Poseidon's—sorry, Neptune's— temple. It wasn't exactly in good condition, which wasn't a surprise, since the Romans weren't really crazy about the god of the sea.

Blackjack looked in. Three moldy apples sat as a pyramid on top of a plate inside and, though Blackjack didn't really like Poseidon, it saddened him.

He walked inside, his hooves making clicking sounds on the floor. He gently pushed the apple on top of the other two to the centre. And that was when the ground opened up in the corner of the temple.

Curse my inferior mind!


Traitor To The Gods; Hero To The Halfbloods [Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now