Chapter 1

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Chandler's POV
Monday November 30, 2015

She was just...gone. She left about two hours ago. I wanted to run to her but yet I didn't. I didn't even say goodbye, and she may never be back. But I shouldn't care, and I don't. I meant what I said when I said it.

I wiped my eyes at the thought, I shouldn't be crying over her. I have Brianna now, I'll still stay happy with her. Maybe even happier. But what if Sam doesn't make it back?

Her family will be devastated. Like I said, I don't care what happens to her. To be honest, she was the most unique person in the family. She had that greenish gold hazel like color that no other relatives had.

She didn't deserve what she got, but she's not my problem anymore. She was raised by ex military so she can handle it. Her uncle went to the USMC. And if she does make it back, good for her... Thing is, who was that guy she was talking about at school?

Sam's POV

The place wasn't that far. It was over at the country side of Georgia. Well thats where the barracks was for training. I missed everybody so terribly already. Now just realizing I'm not gonna be home for quite a while.

I got out of the car with Ann and she showed me around. It was pretty nice around here. The only bad thing about it, I'm the only girl in my unit. A lot of the boys seemed to get excited over the idea now that they saw me.

Everytime I passed one of them, they'd either whistle or stare down at my butt and chest. Typical guys, I just hope they know not to fool around with me. Even though I don't belong to anyone anymore.

I went to some building where they imprinted my last name on a tab to put on my uniform. They gave me a hat with the same thing. Then lastly, my dog tags.

My dog tags were pretty bad ass. It's what made me feel complete. After that, I had to go to the barber to cut my hair.

" High and tight or short length?" The barber asked me.

" Short length sir."

"Already getting used to the military talk huh."

I nodded and stayed silent while he washed my hair. I sat down in a chair amd he began. I saw my hair fall to the floor and I frowned.

After a couple of minutes, he finished. That was pretty quick.

" Alright soldier your done. Run along now." He brushed off around my neck and I left.

I went to the hall where we all slept. Great, I'm the only girl here and I sleep with boys? I laid down and looked up. It was still pretty bright out. Some boys walked in and gave me a weird look.

I raised my eyebrow at them. They smiled and one of them walked over to me. The guy kneeled and started to talk to me.

" Hey doll face. What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this? By the way I'm Tony. I help people out around here."

I rolled my eyes.

" Not the best first impression. But I'm Sam." I said.

" Well nice to meet you. You look pretty young, how old?"

"18, you?"

"22, I'm pretty young myself. So uh you wanna hang out sometime?"

He was kind of cute. Pretty big and buff. He's nice and he seems loyal. But what about Chandler? Ah he's got Brianna now. He doesn't want or need me. I looked at Tony and smiled.

" Sure, why not."

" Well I'll see you around Jolton." He rubbed my head in a playful manner.

I swatted his hand away while smiling. He laughed and walked away.

I think I'm gonna like it here...

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