Chapter 13

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Sam's POV
Friday December 23, 2015

I walked back home and sat down on the couch. I still haven't answered Tony's text and I'm not gonna.

Chandler actually talked with me. I was still shocked by the fact that he wanted to. He comforted me and said he'll make sure Tony won't hurt me.

That's not something Chandler would've said.

There were harsh loud knocks on the door.

"Open the fucking door! Samantha I know you're in there you bitch! Open the fuck up!" Tony yelled.

Before I could do anything, the door was kicked open. He came up to me and threw me on the floor.

"You fucking spoke of it! I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut!"

Tony punched my face several times. He stood up and kicked my stomach.

"T-Tony stop, plea-" I managed to say.

"Shut the hell up bitch, you've said enough!" He put his bloody hand over my mouth.

He punched my stomach a couple times and then hit my head with something made of metal.

Everything became blurry. The last thing I remember was Tony kicking me once more and left me there, sitting in my own blood.

"Hope you learned your lesson."

He hit my head again and everything went black.

Kate's POV

I stopped by Sam's house to see how she was doing. The door was open but the doorknob was hanging off. I walked in the house and it was a mess.

What the hell happened here?

"Sam? Sam!" I shouted.

There were drips of blood on the floor.
I walked around trying to find Sam.

I looked behind the couch and saw Sam lying there in a pool of blood, unconscious.

"Oh my God Samantha!" I yelled running over to her.

I checked to see if she's breathing. She wasn't. Tears came out of my eyes. She can't be dead.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

"Hello 911 state your emergency."

"Hi I just found my friend unconscious and completely beat down, she's not breathing!"

"What's your address ma'am?"

"37 Hastings Road. Please come quickly!"

"They'll be over there right away."

I hung up and called Chandler.

"Hello?" Chandler answered.

"Chandler p-please come to Sam's house, I think Samantha's d-dead!" I said through sobs.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait, Samantha's what!?"

I th-think Samantha's dead!" I started to cry harder.

"What'd ya mean she's dead!?"

"I don't j-just come please!"

"I'm almost there!"


I hung up and held Sam in my arms.

"Pl-please don't be dead Sam please, I can't lose you again please... Fucking Tony, goddamnit." I whispered.

Her face was completely covered in blood, cuts and bruises. I wiped blood off her eyes with my sleeve.

I continued to cry. Then Chandler busted through the door and ran to where I was.

"Move I got it!"

Chandler started to conduct CPR on her.

He pumped her chest and checked her over and over again. Nothing worked.

"Chandler mouth to mouth!"

"What? No!"

"Chandler you gotta!"

"No! That's where I draw the line! I'm not doing it!"



Chandler presses his lips against Sam's and breathed into her lifeless body.

He kept trying and pumping on her chest.

"Come on Sammy you got this, come on baby please."

Did he just call her baby? I shrugged it off.

Finally, Sam gasped and took a huge breath. She coughed up blood as the ambulance arrived.

The guys came in and put her on the bed thingy. Chandler backed away and smiled, realizing Sam is alive.


"W-Where am I? K-Katelyn?" Sam stuttered.

"Your in an ambulance with Chandler and I."

"I-I was dead... Tony killed me... H-He-"

"Shh it's alright Sam. Your alive. Just beat up pretty bad is all."

"How am I still here?" Sam sat up. I motioned to Chandler.

Chandler gently put her back down,

"Stay down Sam, at ease soldier." Chandler chuckled at the last part. Sam smiled and he smiled back.

"Thank you boy, you saved my life..."

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