Chapter 3

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Katelyn's POV
Wednesday December 1, 2015

I missed her way too terribly. I've cried myself to sleep last night because I'm afraid. For her. Yeah I know it's only been two days. She was my best friend and I don't know what I would do without Samantha.

Goddammit man, she did nothing wrong to deserve what she got. It's not fair. That wasn't Chandler anymore, he was something else. He wasn't the boy I saw all the time at work on set, he was just... different.

It's all because of Brianna. I never liked her from the start. Fucking bitch indirectly broke my friends heart. I had to go work on set today. And see him. Shit.

I walked to my car and drove off to set. I see everybody getting ready to shoot. I see Chandler leaning against a ladder, looking all sad and stuff. I wonder what he's thinking.

I'm  glad he felt that way, but somewhat bad too. I walked over to him. He looked over at me and smiled weakly.

"Oh hey Kate. How are things?" He asked quietly.

" Hey. You alright?"

He stayed silent for a moment. He then looked down and nodded yes.

"What's wrong?"

" Nothing I'm fine. Just... tired. Didn't get too much sleep last night." Chandler smiled again.

" You sure." I was hoping he'd say no. Maybe say something about Sam and how he was wrong for what he did. He nodded yes again.

" Anything about Sam at all? Like has she called you or anything like that?" He asked. I got pissed for some reason.

" No, you don't care about her. You said you didn't love her so what's it matter to you..." I hissed.

Chandler sighed and looked down at his feet. Then he mumbled under his breathe quietly.

"I just wanted to see if everything was okay with her. That's all." He was still looking down.

" Well she's fine. And no she hasn't called. Why do you ask..."

"I was wondering because you and her are really close together, so you know. Seeing if things are alright with you too..."

"Hmph. Hope so."

I walked to my trailer and got myself set.

Sam's POV

I just realized something. Christmas is coming soon. And I probably won't be home to see everyone. Shit. Why does life gotta be difficult sometimes.

I got out of my bunk and rubbed my head. I really got it on last night. I was drunk and everything. All I remember is boys grabbing my ass and making me drink gasoline from a Jerry can.

Damn was I really that drunk for me to allow them to do that? Tony came up to me.

" What's up Tex?"

I froze at the name. Katelyn used to call me Tex.

" Why'd you call me that...?" I asked.

"I dunno. Your from Texas sooo."

I nodded and walked outside with him. I was taking a course to be a sniper. Tony walked along with me to training.
I guess he's taking this course too unless he's got a crush on me.

We walked to an open field. Gunshots were going off in the air. I looked at Tony.

"I'm in need of a rifle boy." I said.

" Right this way." He led me.

We walked into the armory filled with a bunch if different weapons.

" Mama's home..." I mumbled while nodding my head in satisfaction.

Tony and I got a sniper rifle and some ammo. We walked outside and went to our spots. D.I James came and instructed me.

This was different from a regular hunting rifle. Ah, I remember when my pop took me hunting for the first time. Before he lost his goddamn mind and beat me.

Tony was next to me of course. The guys started talking while shooting so I did too.

"Sure as hell got a lot a kickback than a huntin' rifle." I spoke.

" Yeah. You know how to hunt?" Tony loaded his rifle. I shot the target.

" Course I know. One autumn day, before my dad abused me, he decided to teach me how to hunt. I lived back over in the country side of Texas. We went to a stream by my place. Saw this fresh buck out in the open. The ol' man showed me how to line up the shot, loaded the rifle and bang. The buck fell, dead. I felt bad cause it was another animal, but yet I felt proud about it."I shot again.

" Damn, sounds like one hell of an experience."

" Yeah, my ol' man was proud of me for once in a lifetime. I was so proud of myself. When he actually loved me..." I frowned and shot once more.

" Don't worry Sam. Don't pay no mind to him anymore. We've all been through tough shit in our lives. We're soldiers. We stand for something good. You'll be considered a hero once this is all over." Tony conforted me.

" Thanks, you're a good friend."

" Anytime."

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