Chapter 16

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Sam's POV
Sunday December 25, 2016

Anger rose up inside me. My blood boiled and my fist clenched, ready to beat the shit out of someone.

"You motherfucker!" I yelled as I lunged at dad.

"Samantha stop! Get off him!" Mom yelled, pulling me off him.

He stood up and fixed his shirt.

"The hell is the matter with you!" Dad yelled.

"All you ever did was beat me until you drew blood! One bruise on top of another! I'd love to see you try if you intend on beatin' me!" I hissed.

"You need to relax!" Mom shouted.

"How in the hell am I supposed to relax when you brought that in to my home!"

I realized I did need to relax and I took a deep breath.

I held the bridge of my nose in stress and anger.

I spoke calmly. "Just... Tell me why he's here, and how..."

Mom got up and motioned me to come. We walked into the

"Sam honey," Mom started. "It's Christmas and I'd thought it'll be nice for us to you know, spend it with him."

"Yeah, it'll be delightful for you and Eli. He'd never beat on his favorite child, or you, no matter how drunk he is. He's just another racist piece of shit!" I scoffed.

"This isn't always about you Samantha! Your only trying to satisfy yourself and that is being selfish."

"Satisfy myself? I'm tryin' to protect myself! Apparently you ain't got the slightest memory on what he did to me! He left permanent scars on my back, and you say I'm selfish!? And you even spent the money that I've been comin' up with for Eli, and you manipulated her to spend it on him!? Now I see selfishness! I just got raped, and beaten, and this is what you do? Now thats fuckin' selfish!"

I ran up to my room and locked the door.

Tears came out of my eyes as I held my head in frustration and anger.

I couldn't take any of this anymore. Everything is spiraling around my mind at once.

I laid down and took a little nap

~An hour later~

I woke up and stared at the ceiling. I sighed and got up.

I looked out the window to see that mon's car isn't there. Oh thank Jesus, they're both gone.

I thought of a way to stay away from here for a while.

Maybe I can go to Chandler's? No, he might not want me around.

Kate's? She's not gonna be home today.

It's Christmas, nobody may be home.

I'll sneak out later tonight.


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