Chapter 9

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Sam's POV
Friday December 22, 2015

I had just arrived in Atlanta. We were walking out of the terminal and everyone began clapping. Tony and I watched as everybody clung to their friends and family.

Tony looked around as if he were looking for someone. I held his hand and gave him a questioning look. His face turned into a rather docile expression.

"What's the matter hun? Expectin' someone?" I said.

"I was just hoping my family would show up, or at least someone." He said quietly.

"You've got me. Don't worry, I'll go see everyone while you go see your family. We'll see each other later on."

We walked outside of the airport and waited for a taxi. One came by and Tony signaled for him to come.

The guy stopped and helped us with our luggage. Tony told the man where he had to go and we were off. I looked at him and held his hand tightly.

Tony looked at me and smirked. "I'm sure they're gon' be happy to see you."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm sure they'll be happy to meet you." He said.

I smiled and rested on his shoulder.


I made it to my house and saw that mom was home. I payed the driver and got out of the car. I stood there like an idiot. What am I waiting for.

I walked up to my front door and knocked. I would've planned out a surprise but it was last minute. Mom came up and opened the door.

She saw me and stood there in shock. She put her hands over her mouth and began crying uncontrollably. I reached to hug her and fell with her to the floor.

Mom held onto me for dear life.

"My b-baby girl! Oh my Lord, I missed you so much!" She said in between sobs.

She took a deep breath and eased up. She kissed my cheek and stood up.

"I'm only here 'til New Year's Day. I wanna surprise Kate. Mind callin' em over?"

Mom nodded and we both walked inside. I went up to my room and looked around.

It's only been three weeks. It feels like forever. Knowing if your ever going to come back, worrying about getting killed.

I sighed and plopped on the bed. It's tough being a soldier, scary as shit too.

I looked to my side and saw a photo of my dad and I. I grabbed it and held it to my chest.

Even though my dad became the worlds biggest alcoholic, abusive dick, I still missed his old self. I don't know why.

Hopefully jail made him change his ways.

Kate's POV

Terry called me to go over to her house and bring Chandler, but he was supposedly 'busy' anyway. I was anxious to see why Terry wanted Chandler and I.

As I got closer to their house, I became more anxious. I didn't think Sam would be home because that's nearly impossible.

I got to Sam's house and parked the car. I got out and knocked. Terry opened the door and I walked in.

"Hey Ms Jolton! What's up." I greeted.

"Oh no hun just call me Terry. Come sit, I wanna talk with you." She led me to the living room.

"Okay, what's up?"

"What is one thing you wish for?" She asked. Okay? Thats random.

"For Sam to be here with us."

"Well yee ha! I feel special!" Someone said behind me.

I turned around and she was there. My best friend was standing in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Well say somethin' Kate."

I was speechless, it was just so unexpected. I began crying and tackled her to the ground.

I continued to cry even harder.

"You son of a bitch! Don't do that to me!" I hollered hitting her shoulder.

"Uh nice to see you too?" Sam laughed.

I calmed down and looked at her. She looked different. Old cuts on her face, bruises on her arms. Her hair.

"Your hair. You cut it." I said. Sam nodded and smiled.

"Why don't you go wash off yer face hun. We're gon' eat somethin' because that long trip back home made me hungry."

I noticed that Sam's new boyfriend was not here with her.

"And uh, where's Tony?"

"Went to go visit his family he's comin' later. You'll meet him."

"Ah great. Lemme go to the bathroom real quick."

Sam nodded and I walked away. I went into the bathroom. I washed my face and walked out.

I sat down next to Sam and her mom.

"So tell us, what was it like?"

Chandler's POV

I decided to go over to Sam's house just to see what Terry wanted. I sighed and held my head before I got out of the car.

I got out and walked up to the front door then knocked. Terry opened up and gasped.

"Hi Terry. You wanted to see me?" I greeted politely, even though I didn't want to be here.

"Yes Chandler, just give me one minute."

She slightly closed the door and was whispering to someone.

"It's Chandler at the door. Do I let him in?" She said to someone.

What is she talking about? She wanted me to go over. I pushed the door a bit open and saw who she was talking to. My mouth hung open in disbelief and regret. I should've never came here. I don't want anything to do with her.

I just talked to her like two days ago, what is she doing here. I don't like Sam anymore and I don't care what happens to her. Why can't people just get that, even she can't get that. When she dies, I won't give a damn.

She stared back at me with anger. Kate was with her on her side.

Only one word managed to come out.


Happy Mothers Day!

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