-Detention Class-

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02|Detention Class

~<Mikasa's P.O.V>~

      "Mikasa get up! No more sleeping in class!"

      I started to slowly open my eyes as light poured into them, I squinted my eyes as I looked up. I saw Miss. Connime staring directly at me, holding a ruler in her hand. She had on a tight fitting long sleeve dress shirt with a tight skirt. I looked around the class and started to stretch my arms up into the air. All of my classmates were looking at me, some were laughing, but not with me more like at me.

      As I was yawning Miss.Connime said something, but I did not take any acknowledgment in it. I glanced over at the clock above the door; 2:40, 5 minutes until school was going to end, I can handle this. Miss.Connime broke me out of my daydreaming.

      "Did you hear me? Detention!" She said with a trace of annoyances in her voice. She looked quite annoyed with me so I felt like I did my job and backed down and saved fighting with her for another day.

      I just sat there thinking about the dream I just had, it felt so real like the monster was actually their wanting to rip apart my face. I put my hand on my face to make sure that there were no marks or blood. My face felt smooth but cold. I still remember the iron taste of the blood.

      The bell rang, and everyone started packing up there bags and leaving the classroom. I went over to the door with my head held low as I watched my shoes, my laces were untied but that did not bother me. From behind me I heard someone calling out my name.

      "Hey Mikasa" someone shouted. "Want to go get some smoothies at the smoothie shop?"

      I turned around to see my three friends, Crimson, Jodi, and Mackenzie. I was going to say 'yes' because I was obsessed with the new smoothie shop downtown, but I remembered I got detention.

      "No sorry guys, I got detention" As I said that all three of three of them replied simultaneously,

      "Did you fall I fall asleep in class again?" I just looked at them and nodded my head.

      "You know that's the 15th time this month". Jodi looked disappointed,

      "Well if you make it out of detention, come down to the smoothie shop," Crimson asked.

~<{Time Laps}>~

*Mikasa is in DETENTION* Crimson, Jodi, and Mackenzie went to smoothie shop*

~<{Mackenzie POV}>~

      We sat in our same old spot, in the corner of the smoothie shop on a tall bar stool chairs with a rounded table. Crimson sat on my left, and Jodi sat on my right. The spot in front of me was empty, Mikasa always sat there.

      "I can't believe she got detention again" I said as I pulled the straw up and down in my drink.

      "Well she has a tendency to fall asleep in class lately." Crimson added as he drank his smoothie.

      "Well Miss.Connime is a strict teacher" Jodi said.

      "That does not excuse her tendency to fall asleep all the time."

      "But Crimson, She's a pretty boring teacher too" I said and everyone started laughing.

      We all lost track of the time and did not realise how dark it was getting. As a group we decided to go and leave for home. Crimson, Jodi and I all live together in the orphanage just down the street from the school. We started to grab our school bags and throw out our empty cups. I looked down at my phone, it was 5:30.

      "It's a shame Mikasa could not make it." I said, we all nodded our heads.

      "I did not know that they could hold them in school this late?" Crimson asked.

      "She most likely fell asleep in detention class," We all started laughing.

      When we got to the orphanage Crimson went into the boy's room, or beater known as 'The Boy's Lounge' the girl's room was right across the hall. Crayon art was drawn all over the door. When we walked into the room, only a few of the girls were still awake on their phones. The house mother was very nice to us and got us phones when we turned fourteen. Jodi and I just got our phones two months ago.

      There were only about seventeen girls at the orphanage, and twenty-one boys. The youngest was a girl at the age of only eleven months, and the oldest was our friend named Crimson who is turning sixteen in the next month. When you turn sixteen you need to move out to another family or another orphanage for older teens.

      Jodi went to bed before me, and I sat on my bed scrolling through Watt pad for a new fan fiction to read.


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