-Just A Coincidence?-

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08|Just A Coincidence

-Just A Coincidence?- 

<Crimson's POV>

      At lunch Mackenzie, Mikasa, Jodi and I went to the archery range to practise. Jodi and Mackenzie used the plain old boring practise bows. I used my bow from home; it is a re-cure black and blue bow with a white bow string. My custom made arrows had a black mat finish with neon yellow feathers on the end.

      I picked up one of my arrows and set it in the handle. I pulled it up and concentrated on the target, holding onto the bowstring and arrow tightly. I took a breath and when I breathed out I let the arrow fly. The feather on the end of the arrow cut the side of my check. The arrow hit the bullies going straight through the target, hitting the wood that was holding up the target. Pieces of wood flew up out of the backboard.

      "Nice one" Mikasa called to me from behind. I started to turn to face her, "hear" she said, and she threw me a plastic bottle of water. I set down my bow in my case and walked over to Mikasa. Mackenzie and Jodi were still shooting.

      "Hey have you met the new kid?" I asked

      "No not yet"

      I looked over at Mackenzie who shot an arrow and missed the target (COMPLETELY) having the arrow land 3 feet in front of her. She looked embarrass. So I gave her a thumb up and said.

      "Nice one." I said with a smile. "At least you're better than Mikasa" It took Mikasa a minute to let the comment process in her mind.

      "HEY!!!" Mikasa shouted and we all started laughing.

      After Mackenzie and Jodi were done with their arrows, we went to retrieve them. When I pulled the arrow out of the wood, the end of the arrow fell off.

      'Well I guess this means another trip to the hunting shop again.' I thought to myself.

      "Hey losers" someone called out from behind us. We all turned to look at the person,

      "Talia" we said at the same time in a annoyed tone. All of our faces look disappointed.

      "What do you want Talia?" Mikasa said as she started to walk up to Talia, I held her back from throwing a punch at Talia. Mikasa and Talia were not on great levels, they both hated each other but no one knows why.

      "Ha, settle down little kitten, don't get your tail in a knot" Talia crossed her arms over her chest.

      I could tell Mikasa was going to 'attack on Talia' (ha,ha,ha) so I grabbed her arm and reassured her,

      "Don't waste your strength on her, you're still recovering." I was much taller than her so I looked down at her. She nodded and walked over to Kenzie.

      "Oh what happened little kitten, are you ok." Talia said with a sarcastic voice.

<Mikasa's POV>

      "Leave them alone!" someone called from behind with a low voice. I turned to see a boy about four inches taller than me and has fiery red hair. He was thin but I could tell he was strong. The boy was also holding what seemed to be large ipad in a light brown case. "Go find someone else to bother" he said to Talia. She went up to him and put her elbow on his solder.

       "You're cute so I will give you a word of advice, don't hang out with them, their bad news. You know that red haired girl. (she pointed to me) she blew up the science lab... 3 times."

      "Not true." Kenzie insisted, "She only blew it up twice."

      The bell rang for lunch, and Talia left slipping away into the shadows. The boy came up to me and asked if he could talk to me after school. I nodded, and went to class.

      I sat in class, which had felt like an eternity. Mackenzie, Crimson and Jodi all had different last period classes. I had geography but I could not considerate on my work, all I could think about was that boy and who he was. Why did he join this high school so late in the year?

      I looked outside and saw that gym class was going on. Is November, they must be cold. I leaned up on my chair to see if I could spot someone I knew. I looked over at the clock, 2:43, the bell to go home will ring any moment.

      Ring, ring, ring!

      I walked outside into the hallway and made my way to the front of the school to wait for the guy. I stood there for a few minutes and started to get lost in my own thoughts.

      "I'm Liam Sunimorie, and your twin." I was startled half to death, but turned to face him in disbelief. "You look confused, but Hear, I'll show you" He grabbed his hair and pulled it up, and turned around.

      "See look it's the same as your mark on your shoulder..." I jumped into the conversation,

      "... But that's just a coincidence."

      "No, It's not." He went and grabbed my hand and said "Look".

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