-You Are My Brother-

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09|You Are My Brother

-You Are My Brother-

<Mikasa's POV>

Memories started filling the gap that was placed in my mind. I saw visions of me playing with Liam in a field and climbing trees when we were kids. We were so happy and joyful. Just kids, only twelve or thirteen without a care in the world. We ran through the light brown crops that were ready to harvest within the next week. Our mother and father sitting on the porch from the distance. It was like that all our life, or so it seemed.

      We started hearing our mother yelling at us to run far from the house porch. Mother and father got up and started to shout out at us to run into the crops and hide. Liam grabbed my arm and started running pulling me along next to him.

      "What's going on? I'm scared." I said. Liam did not stop running.

      "Don't worry, everything will be fine." I could hear the worry in Liam's voice.

      We started to run into a bush for safety, but a man came out from the bush wearing a black uniform. He grabbed Liam by the arm and pulled him away from me with force. I started to run up over to Liam. Another man in a black uniform came out and grabbed me be the arm.

      "Get off of me!" I started to shout. The man brought his hand up over my mouth to try and stop me from screaming. I twisted around in his arms and bit the man's thumb as hard as I could. He let go of me and crouched down holding his thumb in pain.

       I ran to Liam as tears were running down my face. Liam was far away from me, screaming out at me still trying to get away from the man. I felt something hit the back of my neck, I went to touch it and it was soft, the last thing I remember was seeing the man come over and pick me up... The.. world started... to fall... apart... then just... darkness.

      I opened my eyes and saw a bright light high above me. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and rubbed my eyes that were adjusting to the light. A man dressed in a white coat with a clipboard in his hand, came over to me and started talking to me.

      "You are Mikasa Sunimorie, your family died, you are a martial arts master, you are extremely intelligent, and you live on you own." His phone started to ring. "Hello, No I removed her memories of her family and the other scientist that took her, I can't get rid of the mark they burned into her, I don't think we can just burn one overtop of it, Sir the pain will be inhumane! We can't do that to her-" I could hear the voice on the other end get louder.

      "-She is not human! Do as I say!"

      "No sir I can't do that." The man in front of me said quickly. He hung up the phone. Looking at me he whispers these words. "Sorry, I'm so sorry." The man walked out of the room and a new doctor came in. He was scary and I did not feel safe.

      The doctor turned away from me and started talking to the previous doctor.

      "The boss wants you to go and deal with the other three who are going to be put into tribe three with this one." He pointed at me. "Their names are Jodi.F, Mackenzie.L-"

      "I want this war to stop Daniel!"

      "Get out and deal with your job."

      The man grabbed my arm and brought me to a room full of nurses and doctors. I did not feel safe and tried to get out of his grasp.

      "Stop struggling," I looked at his hand and saw a bite mark on his thumb.

      "You were the one who took me away from my brother!"

      "I thought you had your memories taken from you already?" He asked.

      "That will have to wait until after the treatment Daniel, we are running behind." A female nurse said.

      My memories got distorted after that, only being able to pick up bits and pieces of the event. A burning feeling on my neck. Blood dripping from it. Salt was dumped over the fresh would to stop it from healing up.

      "That will help the scare stay till the end of the half war." Someone said. "But you won't remember that." He pulls out a cloth and covers my mouth and nose with it. They then take me and put me on the streets to survive and defend for myself. Why is the world so cruel?

      I look up at Liam and start gasping for air. My vision is blurred by tears, Liam reached out to me.

<Liam's POV>

      She looks so sad so I reach out to her and pull her close, I told myself that I was not going to cry, but before I knew it tears were rolling down my face.

      "You really are my brother!" I held her tightly.

      "I've missed you so much" I said.

      "The first boomer twins found each other, age stopped at 14."

      We looked behind us to see two ladies standing there.

      "I'm Kayley" one said.

      "And I'm Hayley" The other one said.

      "And we are the first winners of this war." They both said at the same time.

      "Mikasa, Liam, now that other players know your identity, you need to be careful because they could come and try to kill you. You need a fake identity," She looked up at me with a surprised face. "and you will need to choose your weapon. Liam can help you with that."

      "Why?" Mikasa asked.

      "Because if you want to win this war, you need to kill of the other players. Also, I would go and see your Friend Jodi,"

      "Why?" Mikasa asked again.

      "Because her twin just died."

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