-Mom? Dad?-

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11|Mom? Dad?

Mom? Dad?

~<Jodi's P.O.V>~

I ran over to the rubble and frantically started picking through it.

"Mikasa! Liam!" I cried out.

I started to hear their voices and saw a glowing green orb floating in the sky about a metre off the ground.

"Sorry I blew up the shed" Mikasa said in an apologetic voice.

"It's okay, I've done that about 3 times" Liam said while patting Mikasa on the head.

They were suspended in the air. When Mikasa saw me, she held up her arm and waved to me.

"Hey Jodi, what's up?" Mikasa said casually.

With wide eyes I stared at them.

"What the? Y-you just. You're not dead? I must be seeing things. I was so confused, that I had sat down on the ground staring at them in disbelief trying to make sense of everything that was happening.

~<Mikasa's P.O.V>~

We moved the floating orb down to level ground, I ran over to Jodi to see if she was okay.

"Jodi Jodi, Jodi!" She sat there wide eyed and confused not saying a word. She blinked a few times and snapped out of it.

"Oh, that was, sorry I'm okay." Jodi said. We sat there for a moment and as I was helping Jodi up off of the ground, we heard a strikingly loud female voice call out to us from the front yard,

"Liam! Did you blow up the shed again!?"

"No ma, that was Mikasa" Liam explained.

"Hey way to throw me under the bus" I looked up at him as I crossed my arms.

"Mikasa, is that you?" The same woman's voice called out, but this time, it was followed by a lower voice.

"Mikasa here, no way!" I looked up and saw a man and a woman standing there who were both wearing very fancy work outfits with green grocery bags in each of their hands.

They drop them, letting the cans of food roll out everywhere. They came running over to me. The woman holding her skirt and the man holding his hat.

"Mikasa it's you!" Tears were streaming down their faces. I did not realise who they were for a moment until I remembered the memories Liam gave me.

"Mom? Dad?" I said as I to started running towards them with open arms.

"I thought you guys died!" I explained. They held me in their arms. A long lost child taken away from them two years ago. They had almost lost all hope of ever finding her.

"It's actually you, are daughter." they both said it simultaneously. We stayed like that for a little while, my mother broke the hug and looked over to Liam with a worried face.

"This means the half war started officially" Her lip quivered. "No I don't want you guys to die at such a young age, we were just reunited as a family together." she held me even tighter

"What you mean I'm going to die" I asked.

"Mom? Dad?" They can hear the fear in my voice. They looked like they were going to say something but stayed silent and only started crying once again.

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