-I Hope They Are Fine-

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-I Hope They Are Fine-

~<Mackenzie's P.O.V>~

Daku and I were on my fore wheeler going through the forest following the trail of blood through the forest. The trees looked scary, the leaves were all falling onto the ground making the trees bare. It was also getting dark soon, we maybe had about two hours of light if we are lucky. All we could hear was Crimsons motorcycle and Jodi hovering above us. The air was cool and the wind was blowing my hair all around. We were driving through the rough terrain following the blood trail for quite some time now.

Crimson was up ahead and he stopped his motorcycle, got off and took a knee. I slowed down my bike, also got off and walked over to Crimson. Daku stayed on the fore wheeler because she had a fear of blood. I crouched down next to Crimson, a pool of blood was in front of Crimson. In the middle of the pool of blood was an arm, it looked like it was a girls arm.

"It was torn off of the pore person's socket." Crimson said as he flipped the arm over. "The bone is popping out; my hypothesis is that the arm was broken in battle so for it not to weigh the person down they ripped it off to keep fighting."

"Hard-core." Jodi said as she started to catch up with us.

"Oh, we have a problem." Crimson said as he pointed out in front of him. "Look" I looked towards where Crimson was pointing. The blood trail had split up into three trails, one lead straight into the forest, and the other two were on two separate walking trails. One went to the city and the other went to an old farm house just outside the city.

"Should we split up?" I asked.

"No that would not be a wise idea." Crimson replied.


"Because we don't know how many people are out after them. But by the looks of the house I am almost certain that there was an art class fighter, an archer, a swordsman, and a sniper class."

"What makes you say that?" Jodi asked.

"Well," Crimson continued as he got up off of the ground. "I saw many pieces of ripped paper, some broken pencils, a few arrows, a broken sword hilt, and many bullet shells." Crimson stopped to think for a moment. "So going on that logic we could have around eight or so people, if they only had one set of each."

"If they had the upper hand of surprise, then our group could be in some serious trouble." I stated.

"Ahhhh!" We turned to see Jodi crouched onto one knee holing her head.

"Jodi what's wrong?" I asked franticly.

"It's Seth."

"What about Seth?" I crouched down next to Jodi and she fell over. "Jodi!" After a few seconds Jodi got up and started talking, but it was in a man's voice.

"Don't worry Jodi is unharmed I am just using her as a telepathy link. I don't have much time. We are in the city, and need medical help fast." The link started to get weaker. "Please come fast-," static "-are the people who are going to die soon-" static "-ahhhhh..." Jodi fell back down onto one knee.

"What happened?"

"We have to go!" Crimson shouted without answering Jodi. I ran back to my bike where Daku was siting. Jodi sat on the motorcycle with Crimson and they headed for the city.

We were speeding through the rough terrain, branches were hitting my face as we went by at a tremendous speed. We did not beat the sun set, it was getting dark. We could see the city lights approaching us fast.

"We are almost there!" Crimson called back at us. We pulled out of the forest and onto a road leading into downtown. All the lights in the town were on, it looked beautiful. Crimson, who was up ahead took a sharp turn onto a street that had a sing next to it saying 'No Exit'. There were not many houses or shops just a signal gas station in the distance.

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