-What Did I Do?-

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-What Did I Do?-

~<Mikasa's P.O.V>~

      Crimson fell over onto the ground, I went down onto one knee and pulled the sword out of his gut. There was a bit of resistance on the sword. I stopped pulling the sword for a moment, and thought to myself,

      "What did he mean about being a family?" Another thought crossed my mind, but I said it out loud.

      "Should I be feeling all this remorse and regret? I feel like I have just lost a piece of my life?" I did not take my eyes off of the boy named Crimson.

      "No you did fine, know let's go after the others." Daniel came over to me and tried to take my hand. I pulled it away from him.

      "Who did you just get me to kill?" I whispered.

      "What was that?"

      "I said who did you just get me to kill-" I started to get up, before I could finish Daniel grabbed my throat holding me high off of the ground.

      "What was that?!" He asked me but in a demanding way. He dropped me onto the ground. I gasped for air.

      "This does not feel right," I started, "Why did I have to kill him without a good reason? What is Crimson to me!"

      "Do you truly want to know?"

      "Yes," I said without a second thought.

      "Fine then! I didn't need you anyways." He turned his back on me, "Take your memories, I don't want them."

      "Then give them back to me!" Daniel turned to me and threw a deep violet sword at me, I looked down and grabbed the sword that was piercing my stomach straight through me. I looked at the sword hilt. Written down the side was some words engraved into it.


      "The only way you could remember them was if you died, goodbye, Ginger." Daniel started to walk away.

      "No," I spat out and he stopped. "My, name is," I spat out blood at his feet, holding the blade of the sword causing my palms to bleed, "My, Name is, not G-ginger." I started to pull the sword from my gut, and went up to one knee, then onto my two feet. I pulled the sword out of me. I looked Daniel right in the eyes with the intention to kill, twitching with anticipation. My breaths became shallow, and my heart seemed to stop. I looked down at the sword and the words had changed, I read it out loud.

      "Watashi no me no mae ni tatsu,"

      Daniel stared at me for a moment taking in what had just happened. He brought his hands over his stomach, as he spat out words blood came with it.

      "So, you see, a cold blooded killer Ginger." Letting out one last breath, He fell and died drowning in his own blood as it bubbled from his mouth.

      I fell down onto my knees and threw the sword down next to me. I put my head in my hands, and cried. I looked down at my sword and saw that a hand had taken a hold of the hilt. I fell back in fear.

      "Who are you?" I called out.

      "Mikasa how could you kill Crimson with no signs of remorse?" a person wearing a mask asked.

      "No, no it was not me! W-who are you?" I managed to say between my sobbing cries.

      "I saw you as clear as day run him through,"

      "No, it was not me! Who are you!?" I shouted. The person started to pull up the sword in both hands, holding it high above their head. I gave in and I just wanted to let death come to me, just wanted to die for my sins. I sat there and waited for that person to drop the sword upon my head. Just as they swung the sword down, someone called my name.

      "Mikasa!" I looked up and saw Mackenzie stand in front of the blade that was going to be swung at me. Without thinking of it, I put my arm out in front of her.

      "No! I don't want any of my friends dying on my behave anymore!" The sword came down onto my hand, going in between my thumb and pointer finger. My bone stopped it from going any further down my wrist. With my free hand I brought it up and grabbed the sword. Blood was flowing down my wrist.

      "Mackenzie run, take Crimson with you!" I shouted at her.

      "No you fool," Mackenzie started to cry, "We are family, and family sticks together." My hands were shaking as I was holding the sword. I pushed it back at the person, as soon as the sword hit them; they evaporated into thin air. It took me a moment to take everything in, I looked beside me and saw Mackenzie standing there.

      "Kenzie, go get the others, they are in the old gas station." I felt like she would protest, Kenzie was my first friend I ever made when I came to tribe 3. She is always looking out for me, "I need some time alone to think." Mackenzie started to walk over to the gas station, when I called out to her.

      "Thanks for saving me," She stopped and turned back to me

      "That's what family's for," I waited as I watched Kenzie go over to the gas station. It was kind of far away, I could only reach her if I yelled out at her and even then she might not hear it.

      I looked back at Crimson, his face grow pale. I looked next to him and saw that there was a dagger in the ground, sticking straight up. I pulled it out from the ground and saw that it was covered in blood and dirt, it was Crimsons blood. I looked over to Crimson, and put my hand over my face. I started to cry,

      "I did kill Crimson, why could it of been me and not him?" A thought came to my mind, "What if I go crazy and kill the others?" I should die, then the others can live.

      I made sure Kenzie was not within earshot. I held the dagger tight and lined it up to my heart. I took one more look at Crimson, my vision was blurred by my tears. It almost looked like he was moving, but he was dead because I killed him.

      "I should die for my crimes!" I shouted as I started to stab myself with the dagger that killed Crimson, but before it could punisher my skin a hand was brought up and stopped it.

      "Just let me die I don't deserve to live-"

      "No, you deserve to live." I looked at the person holding the sword, it was Crimson.

      "Crimson," my emotions were going wild. Crimson pulled the sword out of my grasp and held me in a tight embrace "How are you alive?"

      "Kayley came to me a few days ago, and told me that it was not my time to die yet,"

      "Mikasa!" I looked up and saw Kenzie, "Please don't die!" She called out to me. Running over, she too had held me and Crimson in a tight embrace.

      "I guess you could hear me if I shouted." I said, "Why did you save me from death?" I asked.

      "Because we are family, and we have always been,"

      We started walking over to the gas station where Mackenzie helped them out. They ran over to me. I thought that they were going to be mad at what I had done, but they showed me the sympathy that I did not deserve.

       "Mikasa, are you okay?" Hayden asked.

      "Yeah, I'm fine," I said bluntly. "But the war is not over," Everyone looked at me with serious faces.

      "It is only just beginning," 

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