-The Pain of Memory-

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-The Pain of Memory's-

~<Mikasa's P.O.V>~

I flung the bomb down onto the ground like I was told to. I jumped for cover behind the kitchen island, Jackson flung his hands up to cover his face.

"Jackson, Jackson! Are you ok?" Lanna asked.

"What do you bloody think?" Jackson looked up, his nose bleed got worse and it was all over his face. Lanna turned to face me.

"You hurt my brother, everyone attack the person that I assigned you to! Go now!" Lanna immediately came after me. I rolled over and dogged her attack, to close, I needed to think of a plane and fast. I looked out of the back door. We can escape on our bikes.

"Everyone let's go for a ride." I called out. I ran towards the glass door, only one of the doors were shattered. As I was running to the door Lanna came at me.

"No you don't!" She shrieked as she came at me head first pushing me through the glass door, the side of my arm had been sliced by the broken glass. When I fell out onto the ground I had a memory flash back.

I am sitting in a pile of glass, Crimson is in front of me with his back to me, his hands balled up into fist at his side.

"What did you do to her?" Crimson said in a low and scary tone. I looked past Crimson and saw Zen. Why is he there, what happened that night that made Crimson hate Zen so much. I look over to Crimsons leg it is bleeding, he is hurt.

My memory shifted to another seen,

Crimson was crying, what's wrong? He was holding me with one arm as we were traveling on his motorcycle. Crimson stopped the motorcycle, he looked at me his eyes full of pain.

"It's all my fault." What is? Crimson started to move, my leg was in shear pain. I looked down and saw that a piece of glass was lodged into my leg.

My memory shifted again, but it felt more real,




I looked up and saw the night sky. I put my hand on my eyes they were wet, have I been crying.

"Crimson?" I looked to my left I saw a hug puff of purple smoke, I turned to my right. A man was standing there in a brown cloak.

"Your awake." The man said, I could not see his face.

"Who are you?"

"Mikasa, do you know who your friends are?"

"Answer my question first! Who are you?"

"My name is no concern to you young child. But I will ask again, do you know who your friends are?"

"Yes, I do. Why is this relevant."

"Name them."

"Mackenzie," I stated proudly.

"Mackenzie is no longer important to you."

"What why?"

"Name the rest, with no questions."

"Mackenzie, Jodi, and Crimson."

"They are all not important to you any longer." After saying that, the man waved his hand out in front of me. "Mikasa Sunimorie is the name you were once called, that name is dead. Your new name is Ginger." He paused for a moment and looked back at the purple fog. "What is your name, and who are your friends?"

"M-my name is Ginger, I don't know of anyone else but you."

"I have a mission for you, Ginger,"

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