- This Is Not The End-

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   -This Is Not The End-

     This is only the first book, I will be making more soon.
       I want to give a special thanks to a bunch of my friends for supporting me and helping me write this book by being my inspiration. Without them I would not even have written this book. My biggest supporter is my friend Mackenzie Lunn. I started writing the book after I meet her because of a dream I had that was inspired by Mackenzie which inspired the book.

      There are many others who helped and inspired me; all of them inspired the many characters in the book as well. Listed below;



I also had many of my friends help me edit my book. Listed below;


About the author,

My name is Marika.A.Millard, I started this book on my fourteenth birthday; April,16,2016. I have finished the book on November, 19,2016. I plan on turning this into a comic book, if and when I find the time to.

I started writing this book after I had a dream where my friends, Mackenzie, Jodi and I, were fighting agents these random people. We had marks on our arms and shoulders that were glowing different colors. We all had partners that were fighting alongside of us, they strangely resembled ourselves. I remember that we were talking about winning a war, but to win we needed our other half.

I needed somewhere that I could upload my story and gain some popularity before publishing. My friends introduced me to WattPad, and I loved it. The more I posted, the more views I got.
       I based the protagonist, Mikasa, off of myself so that I could get a real feel for the book. As I was writing the last few chapters, I would cry my eyes out. To get an even better feel for it, I would also listen to emotion music.

If this book gets published, I will be so overjoyed; and if it has been published, and you are the reader, thank you so much for reading my book. I can't believe I made it this far. Thank You So Much, But Remember; This Is Not The End... It's just the beginning.

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