-The Journey Begins-

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-The Journey Begins-

~<Mackenzie's P.O.V>~

After hearing what Coal said, it was hard for me to believe that all this time she still had a smile on her face. Did she force a smile upon herself? Or did she not want us to know the pain she had to deal with? Maybe she thought we would be afraid of her if we knew the truth.

Jodi and I stayed behind to watch Mikasa. Everyone had left and it was just us three. Jodi and I stayed silent for a bit, after a little while Mikasa started to move. We did not say a word and waited for Mikasa to talk first. She sat up and looked at us, her face was full of worry.

"I-I did not want you guys to find out." Mikasa started. "I did not want you guys to think of me as a-a monster." She paused and looked down at her hands and started to cry. "Jodi, Mackenzie, are you guys afraid of me?" She asked. It felt like a dam had broken lose, are faces twisted into sorrowful faces, we all started to cry. Jodi and I sat on the bed and held Mikasa tight.

"We could never be afraid of you." Jodi said.

"Why did you not tell us before?" I asked her.

"Because I thought you guys would run away like everyone else." I could feel the pain in her voice, it rattled and swayed with the emotions. We stayed like that until all of us had fallen asleep.

~<Crimson's P.O.V>~

I went to go see how the girls were doing, I went to open the door to the girls room slowly so that if they were sleeping I would not disturb them. When I peeked into the room I saw that all of them were sleeping. They fell asleep in a pile, Mikasa was in the middle, Jodi and Mackenzie were on either side hugging her tightly. We were the closes thing to family that Mikasa had, we all had each other's back and were always there when one of us needed a shoulder to cry on. When one of us was missing we were not the same, it was like you were missing a puzzle piece to a puzzle. As a group we are complete but when one is missing it is unfinished, that is what I call true friendship.

I went back to my room to go to sleep for the journey tomorrow.

When I got up in the morning I smelt something cooking over the fire. I went to go check on the girls again. When I got into the room I only saw Mackenzie and Jodi, Mikasa was not in the room.

"Where is Mikasa?" I asked them.

"I don't know?" They answered.
"What's cooking?" They asked. Just then we realised that Mikasa was most likely trying to cook. She has a tendency to set things on fire 4 out of the 10 times she tries to cook. We all started to run over to the camp fire. We saw Mikasa standing there with a spatula pushing something in the frying pan around. She looked up at us.

"Oh, hey guys. What's the hurry about?" She said casually.

"Mikasa did you forget your tendency to set things on fire!" Jodi asked.

"No, I was being carful this time." She said.

"That's what you said last time you tried to cook and you set the wooden spoon on fire." I reminded her. She nodded her head and Mackenzie took the spatula away from her.

"What are you even cooking?" Mackenzie asked.

"I was trying to cook eggs" She said. I walked over to the pan and saw what appeared to be scrambled eggs. Mackenzie continued cooking for Mikasa.

"Where did you find the eggs?" Jodi asked Mikasa.

"Over at the corner store." She answered.

"Where did you get the money?" I asked.

"Jacob gave me some money to go get eggs to make breakfast. I don't know where he is now, but the others are over in that abandoned plain." She pointed towards half of the once huge plain. It was split in half but I did not see the other half. The plain looked like it had been there for years, never been moved or cared for. I started to walk over to the other group in the plain. I started to hear voices as I got closer to the group.

"So Coal if you were part of the same experiments, do you have the same power Mikasa does? Or are you stronger?" Allana asked.

"No, I have never met anyone that strong. But the thing is she may be strong but she has no idea how to control that power." Coal explained.

"What triggers her powers?" Carlos asked.

"When someone calls out the name of her special attack, or when someone she cares deeply for is about to die Mikasa's powers are triggered. After she uses her powers, her power is too strong and it uses all of her strength and energy. She usually passes out before she can use her full extent of power." Coal said.

"So like that was not ever her full power?" Logan asked.

"No, it's nothing compared to what she can do at full strength." Coal answered.

"So it's best to say on her good side?" Lucy timidly asked.

"Yes, you don't want to make Mikasa angry." Coal nodded.

I fell like they had noticed me, they all stopped talking and there conversation came to a hush. I could hear someone getting up and walking over to where I was standing. I tried to play it cool, like I was just passing by.

"Hey the eggs are ready." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Okay, thanks Crimson." Coal said. I think they bought my story. We all started to walk over to the camp fire for some food. The smell of cooked eggs tickled my nose, it smelled so good. Mackenzie and Jodi are some good cooks, they cooked for the children at the orphanage often. We all sat down and started eating together, Jacob had come back from who knows where and sat down to eat. Our conversations were pretty stale, no one said much.

After we were done eating we started to pack up. We used the new bikes, jeeps, and gadgets Mikasa made. The day was pretty boring as it dragged on. Mikasa, Coal, and Jodi were flying over top of all of us with their hover boards and hover shoes. Mackenzie and Jacob were on their fore wheelers. Logan, Carlos, Lilly, Olivia, and Liam were all in the jeep. Alena and Lucy were on a motorcycle together, and I was on my motorcycle. We were going through the streets of tribe 9, and were approaching tribe 10 where Seth and Hayden live.

When we got to the house there was a note on the door. Jodi pulled it off of the door and read it out loud.

"Just let yourself in, and don't worry you can let the others you meet along your journey in as well." Jodi looked confused. "How did they know that others would be coming too?" She asked.

"I sent a mental note to Seth yesterday. He's a hypnotist and one of his special moves is telephone. Basically he can communicate with anyone he wants from a far distance." Liam stated.

We waited for Seth and Hayden to come. Mikasa and Liam looked happy to be seeing their old friends again. And so we waited.

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