-The Battle Begins-

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  16|The Battle Begins

-The battle begins-

~<Mikasa's P.O.V>~

Liam and I waved good bye to our parents and gave them hugs. I carried all of Jodi's and Mackenzie's luggage. Liam carried Crimsons luggage.

When you are part of the bomber class you are given a choice between a hat, a backpack, and a hand bag. These items can never break, never get full, and never weigh more than a pound. I chose a backpack and Liam chose a hat. My backpack has a pretty basic design, like a school bag. Its small and when I fight I can put it in another dimension so it does not get in the way of the battle and summon it whenever I need it. Liam's hat looks like a newspaper boy's hat and is a light gray. His hat works the same way in which no matter how much you put in the hat it will never get full or weight more than one pound. They are basically like a closet to another dimension. The catch is that no living person can go inside. But you could put a dead body in it.

We walked down to the bus stop and got onto bus 3 to go to tribe 7.

We were on the bus for 6 hours and I was dying, why? Because I have bad motion sickness. Jodi was trying to comfort me but I was still sick to my stomach.

"It's your fault Mikasa for not..." I stared up at Liam with a scowled.

"For not, what Liam." I said with a growl, stoping him in mid centince.

"It's best not to question her right now." Jodi said.

I slouched back down into my seat and tried to sleep. We were driving for about another hour when Jodi woke me up.

"Mikasa were at our stop." Jodi said softly. I jumped out of my seat and ran for the door. When I stepped off the bus I was jumping for joy.

"She sure looks happy." Crimson said

"Yeah she is a totally different person on the bus. It's kind of scary." Mackenzie added.

It was getting late so we decided to go eat out somewhere. We were walking down tge street when Liam asked me a question.

"Mikasa do you still have the money?" Liam asked.

"What money?" Everyone stopped walking and stared at me.

"The money mom gave you."

"Ummmm," I tried to remember. "It's on the bus..." I said timidly. Everyone looked like they were going to jump at me, "Sorry!" I yelled as I started to run. If they catch up to me they will for sure strangle me.

As I was running I looked back at them, they were getting closer so I picked up the pace.

"Guys I'm sorry" I shouted. I was not looking at where I was going and ran into someone, falling backwards.

"Ahhh, I'm so sorry" I saw a boy standing there, he looked about 14, was tall and had blond hair that was styled up with an orange streak running through it. I started to get up off of the ground. When I got up I saw that there was a bunch of people behind him. He stared at me blankly with no emotion in his face. He looked back over his shoulder at his group.

"Yes, she is defiantly a bomber." A girl with bleach blond hair said. The boy then turned back to face me and picked me up by the collar of my shirt.

"Hey, I said I was sorry!" I told him again. I struggled to get out of his grasp but he was to strong. My shirt started too ripe at the front so I put my hand over his hands to try to pry them off. I think I caught him off guard, he looked at me with a surprised face. I swung my legs up and kicked him in the gut, my shirt tore at the front and the ripe went all the way down to my belly button. I put my hand over myself to cover up. He was still holding the ripped piece of fabric from my shirt and his expression went back to normal, like nothing happened.

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