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~<Mikasa P.O.V>~

"Mikasa!" I braced myself for the impact, but there was a strong arm that reached out and saved me from near death. The person was wearing a leather jacket and was on motorcycle. I clung onto their jacket shaking with fear.

~<Crimson's P.O.V>~

Mikasa clung to my jacket, I could feel her shaking. I turned a sharp corner and saw a man with glowing purple eyes, I got distracted and lost control of my motorcycle. I tried to stop the motorcycle fast but I lost control. Mikasa and I went tumbling outward. To protect Mikasa I wrapped my arms around her waist and head holding her close.

We slid across the road hitting a glass window that shattered and pieces of glass went everywhere. A big piece of glass flew into the side of my leg. I bit my lip trying to ignore the pain. I slowly opened my arms to see if Mikasa was ok.

There was a cut straight across the side of her face. It was not a deep wound, and only looked like it was irritated. As I was looking at her I heard a voice from behind us.

"Awwwww, I hope it does not scar her adorable little face."

I turned my head around to see a man standing there with blonde hair that was flipped up and the ends were died purple, his eyes were also glowing purple. I stare at him for a second, I felt Mikasa move and I looked down at her. With her trembling voice she said.

"Don't look him in the eyes." With that her head fell back down. I took off my jacket and laid it on top of her.

"Take it easy." I looked up at blond and purple haired boy with furious eyes. I put my hands into fists at my side.

"What did you do to her?" My voice was lower than normal. The boy looked startled and took a step back.

"Let's take it back a notch, okay, well let's start with names, I'm Zen." He held out his hand towards me but I didn't take it.

"Okay then, well I'm part of the hypnotist class." He still had his hand stretched out towards me.

"Not much of a talker are you? I pushed his hand out of the way.

"Why are you telling me this?" He put on a smile

"Cu'z you're not good going to live another day to tell another soul."

He immediately came at me trying to punch me in the gut, I swiftly dodged his attack but he spun back around and kick the big piece of glass that was in my leg even deeper through my leg. The pain was agonising. I crouched down on the ground holding the side of my leg as blood polled around my leg. I was going to get back up, but I couldn't even move.

"Why can't I move?" I thought to myself.

"Why can't I move? Is what you're thinking to yourself right now, am I correct?" He looked at me with a demonic smile on his face. "You should have taken the girls advice and not looked me in the eye."

At that moment I realized what Mikasa told me minutes before.

"Don't look him in the eyes."

He started walking towards Mikasa.

"Should I kill you or her first?" With a murderous face on, he stood behind her. He pulled out a pocket knife and put it against her through. Picking up her hand, he used it to wave good bye like a ventriloquist would.

"Say good bye to your friend." I wanted to scream and yell at her to run and get away from Zen. "Bye bye"

Just before he pulled the knife across her neck, the shattered glass around Mikasa and Zen started to grow a faint green.

"What's this?" Zen said puzzled. He let go of her for a minute to look at the glowing glass.

"Has your powers came back to you already." Well Mikasa's eyes were closed she shouted out some words.

"Chemical reverse!"

The glasses started to smoke and swirl around Zen. The sand came down on him, and flew into his left eye. He threw his hands up to his face to cover his eyes.

Well he was distracted with that, Mikasa got up and walked over towards me. Her skin was glowing a faint green and her eyes we still shut. She stopped in front of me and when her eyes flew open they were a vibrant green. She held her hand out towards me.

"Crimson I will take your pain!"

When she said that a green light started to form around my leg where the piece of glass was. The light traveled to the side of her leg. When the green light was gone I saw that the piece of glass was now launched into the side of her leg and I had no more injuries.

She started wobbling back and forth and her eyes went back to their normal color. She started to fall forward but I caught her before she could hit the ground.

By this time we had gained a lot of attention. With Zen screaming out,

"There sand in my eyes!" Glass everywhere and seeing a girl turn a faint green color with vibrantly glowing green eyes, was not an everyday occurrence.

I picked up my motorcycle which was lying sideways on the ground and got on it. I held her tight and quickly got away from the scene before the police and ambulance showed up. We were almost to her house when she looked up at me and said a few words.

"Thank you, Crimson" I held her tighter as I tried to fight back the tears that were growing in the back of my thought.

"Sorry Mikasa" I thought to myself, but could not bring myself to say the words.

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