-Tending To Her Wounds-

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14|Tending To Her Wounds

-Tending To Her Wounds-

~<Mikasa's Moms P.O.V aka~Hillary>~

I was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes from breakfast when I heard a knock at the door and I went to go answer it.

"Who is it?" I said in a cheerful voice, no one answered, so I timidly opened the door and called down for Steven (Mikasa and Liam's dad)

"What do you need honey? Any news about Mikasa?" He said while coming down the stairs.

When I opened the door fully I saw a boy with messy black hair standing their holding Mikasa in his arms. His jacket was draped over her shoulders and her ankle was dripping with blood. Her cloths were tattered and ripped, pieces of glass were in her hair and on her clothing. I could not see her face but when I looked up at the boy's face there were tears growing in the corners of his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I could not protect her. She's not dead but her wounds need to be treated right away or she," The boy took a deep breath, " might die from blood loss." He looked up and his face was full of sorrow. "Please trust me I'm a friend." I could tell by his voice that he was sincere about us trusting him. We let him in and showed him to the guest bedroom so we could set her down.

"What can we do to help?" I asked.

~<Crimson's P.O.V>~

I told them my orders.

"We need some towels, an old t shirt that can be ripped up, gauze, some clean water and a sponge."

"On it." Said Hillary.

"Hydrogen peroxide, tweezers, and pain medication."

"I'll get that." Said Steven.

They ran out from the room and into the kitchen where I heard the clattering of dishes and the running water. I put my hand on Mikasa's forehead, it was burning up.

"Just hang in there a little longer." I told her in a whisper. Just then her mom came in with the medication and asked a question.

"But if she is un-conches, how will she take the medication?" she asked.

"I have an idea." I took the medication from Hillary and put them in my mouth. I grabbed some water and got closer to Mikasa.

"It's not a kiss" I thought to myself. I tilted her head up and pressed my lips against hers, I made sure she took all of the medication. At that moment her dad walked in.

"What are you doing?!" He shouted. He started to walk up to me but Hillary held him back.

"No he is helping your daughter." She said. He started to relax but he looked me in the eyes.

"What's your name boy?" I looked up.

"Crimson" I said bluntly.

"Crimson I have my eye on you."

"Steven just trust Crimson he knows what he's doing" Hillary said while guiding Steven out of the room.

I looked down at Mikasa's face; it was pail and covered in sweat.

I rolled up her pant to revel the deep wound on her leg. It was near her ankle but not past her knee. The wound was worse than I expected, the glass was almost straight through her leg. I poured some water over the wound to wash away the blood. The large piece of glass had broken into three different parts in her leg. I used the tweezers to pull out the smaller pieces of glass that had broken off, and then I carefully started to pull out the biggest piece of glass. She started to move but I held her leg down, I could tell she was in a lot of pain.

I grabbed the T-shirt and ripped off a piece that was big enough to go around her leg. I tied it tightly around her leg about 20cm before the cut to stop most of the blood flow to the open wound so that she would not die from blood loss. I poured some hydrogen peroxide over the cut to get rid of a lot of the germs. The hydrogen peroxide started to bubble and fizz. After a few minutes I poured water over the cut to wash away the hydrogen peroxide. I pinched the cut together and started to use a sewing kneelt and thread to stich up the wound. I then wrapped gauze around the cut holding it down tightly as I used medical tape to hold it in place.

When I was finished I put my hand on her head to see if the fever had gone down, it was still really hot so I put a wet cloth on her forehead. I did not notice when Mikasa's mom Hillary walked in and was leaning on the door.

"You must really care about her." I just simply nodded.

"Thank you..." I told her.

"Why are you thanking us?" Hillary asked.

"Thank you for trusting me." I could not hold back the tears any longer. Hillary came over to me and gently hugged me. Her arms were warm and comforting. I had never met my mother but I wish I had. A mothers hug is truly special. I wish I had met my mother.

I waited for about 10 minutes to make sure that Mikasa would be ok. After that, it was about 10:00 so I went to school.

When I got into the class room Miss. Connime stood up and asked me a question.

"Where have you been? Why are you late?"

"Sorry I was..." Miss. Connime interrupted me. "Go tell the principle about it." She pointed a finger towards the door and I walked out of it to go down to the office.

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