Insight (Edited)

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(Sakamaki's thoughts during chapter 1)

Shu's POV

Damn it, another tiny nuisance in this already loud house. Ah... Reiji is gonna scold me after this. *Sigh* better get my playlist ready.

Reji's POV

Good grief this dead beat had one job, and that was to inform us that we had a guest arriving, a sibling at that. I do hope she is interested in fine chinaware. 

Ayato's POV

You after some thought, this acne girl would be a very good underling for this Ore Sama. God I'm a genius.

Liato's POV






(too explicit and has been removed to stop any living thing from going blind by the Sexual nature of Laito's thoughts)

Kanato's POV

Hmm teddy what do you think of our new Kawaii sister? Isn't her elephant adorable. Do you think she will play with us?  Ne ne, do you think she will like the cakes that we make...  But teddy what if she doesn't like cakes or sweets? 

Yeah your right teddy, we'll just have to break her.

Subaru's POV

How fluffy and adorable, she reminds me of the chipmunks I saw when I was younger. No NO what am I thinking, she's going to hate me once she finds out I'm a monster... It's best to ignore and avoid her.


Hey Oniisan! (diabolk Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz