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Well at least I wasn't punched. I held my stinging cheek, in hopes of stopping the pain. This wasn't what I was expecting to be honest.

The first time that I met Lillian, I got punched right on my nose. My nose didn't look like a nose for a whole month.

But that progressed to punching to smacking, and then finally to nudging, when I courted her. (I guess I missed the punching stage and went straight to slapping). I mean it wasn't exactly planned...but when I touched her, that was the moment that I knew... That she was the one.

I know cliché, but what can you do, I lived my life as much as I can. I had three wives, and six sons. What can courting another person do.

Obviously I didn't think through it much, because I had fallen so hard, that I can't get back up without her.

So now I'm here looking right at her, but I'm speechless. I can't even get my words out.

She gave me the mother look. The one where you get caught eating the cake batter, even when your mother told you not to. Well I'm reliving my childhood. I looked in her eyes and saw:

1) anger (that is understandable)

2) sadness (why is the question?)


amusement!! (is she finding this situation amusing!!)

I lifted my left eyebrow in confusion. She sighed and looked down.

I looked at her face and saw...a Smirk!!!

What the ruddy hell, is she smirking about!! Is she finding my pain amusing?!

Finally after the small rant inside my head, I got my act together and said.

" well I was here to have a small talk with you."

After those words she looked up at me. After that one look, the pained smile that was in my head had been washed away. But instead burned in a new memory. Her pained tear stained face.

Never have I ever seen her cry. No matter how hurtful something has been said, she would never cry. It would be the opposite actually 'fist first, talking later' is what she would say and do.

One look at her face and everything in my mind is forgotten, all but her angel like face. Even when she cries she's beautiful.

But that all disappeared when she..


I was gobsmacked, I had my lips slightly apart, and the flowers dropped to the floor.

I shook my head and sighed, picking up the forgotten flowers.

Well, nobody did say this was going to be easy.

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