pray that time will stop

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Lillian's POV

The time was nearer than ever. My death was closer and there was nothing I could do about it.

I only pray that by then akane would have unlocked her mysteriya to its full potential.

Akane's POV

"AH!! Aya-nii don't scare me like that!!" I reprimanded my brother.

He's always pranking me now, ever since his first spider prank that he did on me... he said that the only reason he's pranking me is because:

A) im younger than him

B) i have the most 'amusing' reactions

And C) im short

.... i dont even know why that's a reason but its his words not mine.

I was snapped out of my thought by Aya-nii's obnoxious laughter.

"Aww your reactions are just way too cute also maybe you should stop daydreaming." Aya-nii said before walking out of my room.

"W-well i at least have an imaginative mind something that you will never have!!!" I pouted angrily. This was third prank this week.... and its only Monday!!

Not only that the ominous feeling i've been having since Thursday was only getting stronger.... also when i wake up every morning white feathers have been appearing on my bed!!

None of my brothers know about this and i intend to keep it that way... afterall what harm could a bunch of feathers do?

Karl's POV

"Lillian! Your shredding again dear!" I shouted.

Its been a couple of weeks and me and Lillian have been..... bonding?

Well after i had persisted for many hours even as going as far as standing in the rain. Lillian had finally relented and allowed me inside her house.

Honestly after that..... i dont even know how far me and lillian had come in this relationship.

I suppose you could call it a love and hate relationship... but nah! I prefer the 'the chase' afterall what vampire doesn't love a good chase.

I had walked out of the bedroom heading straight towards the kitchen. Where i heard the sound of clattering dishes and the smell of bacon and eggs.

I had a smile on face my hand reaching towards the door. Before i heard the unmistakable sound of the plates crashing towards the ground and loud thump.

My eyes widen in fear i hurriedly opened the door to see my beloved lying down on floor, eyes drooping to a close and her lips uttering a single word before blacking out.

"Karl..."  i rushed forward cradling Lillian towards my chest. I forced my eyes to suck in the tears as my heart wrenching words tumbled out.


My eyes flashed red before i teleported me and Lillian to the bedroom. I gently laid her on the bed before i made a flesh wound on my hand.

I hovered my wrist above Lillian's lips the blood slowly but surely dripping down towards her lips.

I squeezed out as much as i can before the wound had closed. Not a moment too soon Lillian's complexion was filled with some colour, whilst i had released a breath i didn't know i was holding...

Damnit the time was slowly moving and i could do nothing to stop it.

I could only pray to any holy deity that time could only stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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