ore-sama and akane

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Author chan- thanks people for reading my book and voting (^-^) thanks guys also thanks for supporting me through this cruel yet beautiful world .....anyway It's 'ore sama's ' time to shine


Hiya people in today's agenda we will be hanging out with the famous ore sama for the day. Yay!!!!! No this is not sarcasm this is real.

Anyway me and aya nii are outside...in the basketball court. The brothers left early saying they had a surprise for me, also also.....







Yep you heard me right, my cast is off and is free to move. But i still can't go to school, jiji nii (reji nii) said I can start school next week Monday. Oh well I can't really complain.

I was out of my daze when a pair of hands and a red head came into view.

"oi pip squeak want to see ore sama play basketball." said aya nii while spinning a ball on his finger.

I was speechless until someone reloaded me and fired.

"yes yes yes!!!! Can ore-sama do a dunk, how about a three pointer, oh oh can you be like the generation of miracles!!" I exclaimed. (What up anime reference!)

I may be a girl but I enjoy sports especially basketball.

"so you know about basketball I presume." chuckled aya nii " also I think aomine (sp?) is pretty cool right?"

" I live for basketball also aya nii...can you teach me basketball?" I asked bashfully.

"of course and ore sama will make you the greatest player, maybe you could be even better than the GoM" laughed aya nii while picking me up and walking over to the hoop. He gave the basketball and said "Here try doing a dunk."

I had stars in my eyes. I raised my hands with the ball, and dunked.

"yay!!" I squealed. I was soo happy I love aya nii and my other brothers.

"I love ya ore-sama." i whispered While hugging aya nii's neck.

Aya nii hugged me back and said."you know your ore-sama's favourite sibling you know that."

I giggled while nuzzling myself deeper into aya nii's chest.

"Hey would you like some takayoi (sp?), I'll make us some?" asked aya nii while walking back into the house.

Sorry it's short and for people that have not and I repeat have not watched kuroko no basket is missing out!!! GoM= generation of miracles.

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