One of us (Edited)

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Akane's PoV 

Well this certainly wasn't how I expected my first day of school to go... I guess I should tell you what happened

A few hours Prior

It was safe to say that I have six brothers now. Although unexpected it was a nice change from that lonesome feeling that has attached itself to me for a couple years now. I smiled to myself pleased at the thought that I would have someone to play with. 

"Ah well I guess a formal introduction is needed. " Reiji stated a little flustered at the new appearance of a sibling I suppose. I nodded even though I knew all their names.

"Ahem, we'll go in age order I suppose... The Orange deadbeat over at the couch is Shu - the oldest." Shu merely nodded his head in acknowledgement and went back to sleep. "I'm Reiji, the second oldest and most responsible in this household. " The jab did not go unnoticed as Shu peeked open one eye to glare at Reiji before resuming to his neutral state.

"Ore Sama is the Third oldest, BUT don't let that fool you! I'm the oldest triplet, bow down to me underling." Aya - Ore Sama suddenly interjected. I was about to bow before Kanato elbowed him the stomach causing him to bow down instead...

"I'm Kanato as you already know, the fourth oldest, and this is Teddy... Teddy says its nice to meet you and Eli." He quietly said retreating to sit at the couch, whilst kicking Ayato in the stomach in the process, causing him to revert in a foetal position. Kanato merely smirked.

" Hey Cutie, I'm Laito the fifth oldest, though experience wise, I'm the oldest." Laito said winking at me with a devious smirk before getting punched at the back of his head by Subaru. His fedora having an odd dent due to the strength of the hit.

" Don't fucking say anything perverted you pedophile." He said whilst massaging the fist that hit Laito almost in disgust. "Anyway I'm Subaru - the second Youngest."

Nani.. Second youngest? I almost asked aloud before realising that I am now the youngest in the family, good grief that's going to take a while to get used to. I beamed realising it was now my turn to introduce myself.

"Hi my name is Akane Sa- Sakamaki!" The last name awkwardly rolling my tongue causing me to blush red in embarrassment. (To the brothers presented with this image, they had an imaginary arrow pierce their heart at how endearing their new sibling was.)  

I bowed and had Eli wave at all the brothers as well. ( Combo heart strike x2)

"Ah do I call you Oniisama or OniiChan?" I tilted my head asking them which honorific they would prefer I use. ( flowers all of a sudden bloomed behind Akane causing the third strike to hit the brothers' hearts.)

A warm feeling suddenly engulfed my body, my vision being covered by what I presume to be Laito Nii. 

" You can call me anything you want Bunny Chan." Laito squealed, glomping me and squishing his soft cheeks against mine.

"Bastard don't touch my underling like that." Ayato shouted, smacking the back of Laito's head.. poor Laito Nii's braincells.

I almost wanted to ask if he was okay, but the strange blush on his cheeks caused me to back away before looking at Reiji Nii to answer my questions.

"Ne Reji Nii, are you vampires?"

The room was deafeningly silent, everyone's eyes seeming to glow that little bit brighter. 

"And if we were?" Shu Nii asked, his fangs making a sudden appearance.

"Then that's perfect!" I said smiling my toothy smile, eyes glowing a bright yellow like my brothers. One of my baby fangs missing due to an accident. All these years of being ostracized are no more! I almost wanted to cry, though I stopped and just let out giggles.

They all seemed to have a ghost smile and the pressure was released. It was almost as if they sighed in unison  - sighed in relief, that I was one of them.

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