day off

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I'm so tired now... Hello, h00mans. It's currently 11:30 and I'm awaiting the arrival of the other oniisans. It's clearly way past my bedtime however, I must stay awake so I can wish my other oniisans goodnight.

I had yawned snuggling further into Suba-nii's side, savouring the non-existent warmth that he is currently giving me. Gosh being a halfie sucks. I wish that I could be resistant to the cold like Suba-nii. My lips had naturally formed into a small pout at the thought, I shivered once again.

Suba-nii had looked at me in thought, rubbing my arms in an attempt to warm me up, before he spoke softly. "Ne, Akane I think you should stay at home for a couple of days." he suggested.

"but- but I'll be lonely without you Suba nii." I pouted making Suba nii smile at me.

"We can arrange something so that doesn't happen." He toothily grinned at me, a fang making an appearance before he booped my button nose.

I sneezed.

He had gruffly chuckled at the scene before pulling my head towards his side, stroking my hair - lulling me to sleep. Almost. The sound of the door opening open and the sight of five figures had me perk up in sleepy joy.

I  toddled to the figures, hugging lightly someone's leg, and rubbing my head against it in greeting. I felt a palm lay heavily on my head and softly patted me. 

"what are you doing still up underling?" asked Aya nii picking me up and tickling my tummy, making me giggle tiredly. 

"I wanted to wait for you *yawn* I was getting worried Oniisans." I said laying my head down on Aya nii's shoulder in fatigue. In response, Aya-nii had gently patted my back in a rhythmic beat.

My eye was slowly closing bit by bit until all I saw was darkness.


Soon after Akane fell asleep. Ayato teleported to her room tucking her in. Ayato was about to leave when he heard Akane say.

"Please don't leave me Oniisans." whispered Akane while a rogue tear fell off her eye.

Ayato smiled and kissed her forehead. " no one's going to leave squirt especially not Ore-sama." and after that Ayato left gently closing the door.

Meanwhile downstairs in the living room, the brothers decided to have a meeting concerning Akane.

"Akane can't go to school for a couple of days, so we need to babysit her for a while." said Reji getting straight to the point.

"Ne ne who's going to babysit Akane first, Fu Fu?" asked Liato.

Order of people

Mon: Subaru

Tues: Shu

Wed: Ayato

Thurs: Liato

Fri: Kanato

Sat: Reji

Sun: all

"alright does everyone know their designated day?" asked Reji

All the brothers nodded their heads and left to go to sleep after their hunting spree.

Akane Monday

I'm sooooo bored. The brothers left to go to school. Well excluding Suba nii though.

I'm sitting in the library with Suba nii reading Romeo and Juliet. It's a classic and I LOVE the plot. I finished reading the book for the fifth time before I walked to Suba nii and said.

"ne ne suba nii can you read me a book please." suba nii looked at me with a small grin.

"why not what book do you want to read?" he asked while folding one of the corners on the book.

"I want to read the same book as you Suba nii." i said before I squeezed myself in Suba nii's lap. I made myself comfortable while Suba nii trapped me in his arms reading to me.

Couple of hours later we finished the book and right now Suba nii was stroking my head. I turned around to look at Suba nii's crimson eyes.

"Ne ne Suba nii your eyes are so pwetty." I said smiling " my eyes are so ugly." I mumble.

I look up to see suba nii blushing. I smiled and pinched his cheeks and laughed.

"Haha very funny, anyway Akane why do you cover your left eye with your hair and eyepatch?" he asked looking at me with worry. " I noticed it when I was treating your bruises." he added.

I looked down scared that he might think I was a monster, just like those other kids did.

"ne suba nii do you think I'm a monster?" I quietly asked

"NO, why would you think that!" he yelled "if anything I'm a monster." he whispered but I heard him.

I hugged suba nii "you're not a monster suba nii." I said. I pulled from the hug "you're my Onii chan!!" I said smiling.

"Ne Suba nii I'll show you my eye." I whispered preparing myslef for the consequences.

I untied my eyepatch and pulled back my hair for him to see my eye. I diverted my eyes away from Suba nii.

"Akane." said Suba nii. I closed my eyes waiting for the insults... But they never came instead I heard.

" Why do you hide it Akane. It's so beautiful." I gasped and looked at Suba nii blushing. I giggled silently. But Suba nii heard me and started tickling me.

"O-onii chan s-stop." I stutter giggling in between.

"I shall have no mercy." shouted Suba nii while laughing.

After a couple of minutes he stopped and we were a panting mess. I was red from all the laughter while suba nii looks...Well Like Suba nii.

I decided to drag Suba nii to the music room, he looked surprised but complied.

Once we reached the music room. I went and told suba nii to sit. He looked confused but went anyway. I sat at the piano bench. I looked to Suba nii and said.

"Ne Suba nii I made a song for you." I smiled and started to play.

After I finish singing. I looked at suba nii and he had tears in his eyes. I ran up to him and said.

"Father told me about your mothers, I felt bad but not enough to pity you because I know that you don't want and need it. But Suba nii it... Wasn't Your fault that you killed her, she needs to be in peace and you did that for her and she still loves you. So don't grieve and hold yourself down... You need to let her go." I said stroking his hair. " oh and did you know that even when the sky is dark the stars shine brighter, so please don't cry and remember you have more people that cherish you than you think." I said and kissed his forehead.

"Also I'm getting tired so let's go to sleep ne suba nii." I smiled.

He smiled and carried me but not before saying "I love you and thank you." I snuggled up to him in response as I had already fallen asleep.


Thank you, Akane for letting me realise that my mother still loved me, but needed to be let go. I promise that I will become a better brother and protect you from harm's way.

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