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Tch the mukami's.... Seriously out of all the enemies we have he just had to bring her to.....them.

Whatever the sooner we get there the sooner I can cudd- I mean sleep with Akane.... What you saw this coming!!

Anyway, right now we're still at our 'home'... (if you can even call it that) the reason being is that Kanato just had to lose teddy.... I mean this is already troublesome as it is.

Im starting to wonder how the heck he lost it anyway. He had a minute ago, then next thing you know it's disappeared. Geez.. I sure hope that this will be Kanato's first and last act.

Time skippu cuz im a lazy person just like ma bae!!

He finally freaking found it. And your not gonna believe where he found it.....

Go on guess... Just make it quick since the bipolar kid is getting impatient....

You guessed already? Okay good because he found his teddy in the flipping bathroom. Like what the hell how does a teddy go from your hand to the bathroom.... You know what I'm sooo done.


After the commotion the brothers were ready to go to the mukami's household.

Meanwhile in the other side of Japan, Karl has yet to talk to Lillian. Why can't he just teleported inside?

Good question let's have a look.


What the hell is this!! And before you ask no. I can't bloody get inside of the house. Just what the hell is the house made of.

Right after Lillian slammed the door in my face, I decided to knock on the door and annoy her only to get zapped with electricity.

I tried three or so times before I decided to go to plan B... teleport inside. Clever I know, but of course something happened to me to get pushed back after I tried get inside her house..... maybe I should have worded that a bit differently. But right now I'm currently thinking of ways to get inside - which all failed- although I just have one more to try.

Let's just hope this works.


Moving on to the well known leec- I mean vampires.

"Reji.... aren't the mukami's at school right now?" Asked Subaru suddenly making Reji and the rest of the brothers look at him weirdly.

"Really, now you think about school!" Yapped Ayato creating a large tick mark on the side of Subaru 's head.

"At least I get a passing grade, what about you, you can't even get a passing grade in home economic... You make freaking  takayoi every single day.... wait no scratch that you burn your takayoi."

"Look would you two please be quiet, me and teddy are trying to sniff Akane out!" Yelled out Kanato while gripping his teddy to death.

Little did they know that they had caught a certain person's attention.

"Onii....chans?" Whispered a frail and fragile voice that's voice got swept away in the wind.

The six tired brothers whirled their heads around to the source of the sweet voice.

"O-onii..chans..... i- is that really... you?" Asked a teared faced Akane. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Akane/ Sakura chan/ squirt/ doll chan!!!" Shouted the brothers in joy.

"Where were you squirt.... I was- we was all worried?!" Ayato said while hugging Akane with tears threatening to spill.

"No...no no no no!!!" Shouted Akane making the brothers look at her weirdly.

"What do you mean doll chan....do you not love us anymore?" Frowned Kanato stopping himself from going bipolar.

" No its not that... you shouldn't be here..... no not at all.... your not safe!!" Sobbed Akane " I can't protect you if your here!!"

" what do you- " started Reji before getting interrupted by the one and only ...




"What the hell do you leeches want from my bumblebee!!" Shouted Yuma catching the attention of the six vampires.

"What do we want?" Smirked liato "what we want is our little hime, but what do you need halfies ?"

"Oh your on blood sucking leech."

"Bring it  half green giant." Said Kanato joining in the fun.

Hey Oniisan! (diabolk Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora