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So you and your family has to move to Virgina because of your parents job. Your were nervous to leave the rest of your family and friends but excited to start fresh somwhere better. Then you realized Jacob lives in Virginia, now your pretty nervous but super excited. The next day made it to Virginia and your at store looking for some things to eat bc your super hunger from the drive, and you look over and see Jacob. You want to say something but you dont know what to say and you barely know him, he catches you staring at him and smiles. You nearly faint so your mom grabs you and said "what are you doing let's go" you said "ohh um yea". After you got home and finished unpacking you fall asleep. As soon as it's morning.. "Wake Up, Hello Y/N (your name)." Mom says shaking off the ground. You said "what time is it" She said "time for school" Your thinking to yourself new friends, boys , ok. So you get dressed . Off to school

-Love At First Sight?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt