Swimming and Target

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After I was still upset and so was Jacob. Mark and Jacob didnt really talk much but they were still good friends. After that me and Jacob deciced to go swimming with our friends. I brought Nicole,Loren, and a girl I meet Liz. Jacob brought Bryce,Weston,and Brandon. We all changed and walked to the public pool. Of course we ran into a few fans, which was cool. Once we got there everybody jumped in but me bc the water was to cold. Then all the sudden I get pushed in by Bryce and Jacob. Once I fell in I pretend to cough and joke. They all came towards "are you ok" . I dunked him underwater "got ya" *laughing*. I ran out and Jacob chased me. Turns out there a slippery part of the ground, and he slipped we all busted out laughing . I went over to him and helped him out i grabed his hand and he pulled me to ground and said "got ya". We both started laughing. After having fun we all had but it was time to go eat. We ordered pizza. We went to the movies, made musical.ilys and went to target. Me, Loren,And Liz went to the girls aisle and stuff. The boys want to do who knows what. Then u was looking at the pants, and my phone started ringing it was Jacob. "Umm Y/N we got kicked out were outside" I and the call. As we walk out there that are laughing at each other. "What did you boys do know" Liz said. "Seroiusly" i said. I went to them and shrugged Jacob. "Well we jumped in a basket of balls and fighting each other with light savers and we broke something" Jacob said. "Let's go" I said. We walked back in target. "I'm sorry sir, how much was it that here boys broke" i said. I paid the manager $12 for it. We went to my house and hung and ended up to doing nails and yes I made the boys do it too. Then we broadcasted a couple times. After that we flimed a YouTube video. We alot ended sleepoving and fell alseep on my bed . Don't ask how we all cramed on the bed. I fell off and then Jacob and Loren end up on top of me. I pushed Loren and Jacob to the side. Then i hear I'm say "aww your were really comfortable" *laughing* . And we falls back alseep.

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