Unlike Mother

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I grimaced as the maid tightened my corset. I looked in the mirror and shook my head in disgust. Father and all of my brothers were in Paris on business, leaving my alone with my mother. I pleaded with father to take me with him, but mother threatened to divorce him if I went too. Father had no choice but to leave me behind. Mother was adamant on my meeting of a young lord, as a suitor. My natural reaction of course was to threaten to run away but father said it was ultimately my decision to marry or not, no matter how tactless my mother was. I finally gave in to 'meeting' this man, but had no intentions on anything else. Back to the present moment, I was now wearing a hideous pink frilled dress, fringed in white. It was horrid. I don't really like dresses but to wear this monstrosity just raised my hate of the garment all together. I preferred the old pants and blouse. I convinced myself that it was not going to be more than half an hour of torture. Just as I convince myself I'll be okay, my mothers screeching voice boomed in the room.

"Ahh, dear you finally look like a girl" she says. I roll my eyes openly, earning a frown from her.

"Leave us!" she semi yells at the maid, and quite rudely at that.

"Thank you Hill" I say, granting a small smile from the maid as she left the room, shutting the door behind her. I avoid my mothers eye contact and look at my desk. Just ten minutes ago, Francis' letter had come express from Paris as well as a small box from Nathaniel. It's funny that my two younger brothers have remembered me for once, but then again they are still older than me. I've been anxious to open both of them and see what's in them, but it's taken so long to put of this stupid dress that I haven't had time.

"So I want you to behave yourself" I suddenly hear. I must have zoned out.

"What?" I say, in a rather uninterested manner. I'm in for a scolding.

"(Y-N)! I want you to behave yourself around Lord Bartholomew! He's very rich and has a lot of influence"

"You told me he was eighteen! How can a mere boy have such influence?. In any case you know my wishes and intentions and I will not be wed against my will" I retort, still not making eye contact. I smirk at my response.

"You foolish girl! You're so arrogant, just like your stupid father!" she spits.

"Good" I say back smiling.  She opens her mouth to speak but the house keeps enters the room.

"Begging your pardon miss, but your guests have arrived" she quietly says. My mother panics in a frantic up and down glare to make sure I met her standard. She went towards the door.

"Put your shoes on and get down stairs!" she angrily whispers and shuts the door. I quickly grab my chair, as fast as this stupid dress would allow, and block the door. I grab both of the deliveries off my desk and jump on my bed. I open the box from Nathaniel first. It was wrapped in brown paper very neatly, informing me know he had the shop keeper do it. I open it and read a small card. 'Thought you might like this - N' I toss the card onto my bed and open the box which revealed a small dagger. It had beautiful French writing engraved onto the blade. I touch the blade, only to be cut a second later. Very sharp. I suck on my finger and cut open the letter from Francis with my new knife. It read:

Sister I wish you were here. Father took us to the French Brotherhood training grounds and they let us shoot there. It would have been perfect for you, seeing as you shoot ten times better than any of us. Even Lucius, though he doesn't admit to it.

I'm writing you to tell you the good news. Nathaniel and myself have been offered positions in the French Brotherhood as recruits. As you know, getting into the French Brotherhood is considered an honour, and we would have been foolish to say no. We will move here in three months to begin training. I have to admit we, Nathaniel and I, will miss you the most. We'll talk more when we get back.

How are things with mother? I hope she hasn't been too trying. Please hold your ground against her, I know you do anyway.

With Love

By the way, the key to my gun safe is in my third desk drawer, so have fun x'

The French Brotherhood? I should be so lucky! Nathaniel and Francis should be a good fit. They are both fit and young, and both seem to be liking France. I've always wanted to be invited to a Brotherhood, as soon as I come of age.

"Excuse me miss, but you're mother is demanding your presence" a maid called out from the door. I sighed and put the letter down on my desk. I opened the door and walked down the hallway. The horrid shoes I donned made clicking sounds against the hard wood floors. I made my way down the stairs and walked onto the marble floors. As the clicking intensified, I cringed. I slowly walked toward the main drawing room and stopped at the door. Was this what it had come to? Me obeying everyone else's wishes? I looked down at myself and shook my head. No. This did not and would not define me. I took a deep breath, smirked and walked away to find that key to Francis' gun safe.

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