sixteen // you charm me it's not easy

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--Chicago's P.O.V--

Two weeks later

Are you feeling any better?" I asked, quietly. I stroked Garrett's hair as he leaned against me in the backseat of his car. "Your mom said that you really hadn't left your room all week."

He shrugged. "I'm still tired like I always am. After you left for Josh's a few weeks ago, I slept for maybe three hours which is so much more than I'm used to, but still not enough. My mom thinks that you help me sleep and she's probably right."

I returned back to Garrett's from Josh's around seven that night. Josh was surprisingly quite fun to hang out with. It was probably because he was very easy to talk to and I was able to kick his ass at Mario Kart without much difficulty. The only reason I left was Josh's mother came home and told him to take out the trash. He then preceded to pick me up and carry me out to the garbage can.

I had to admit that it was pretty funny, but once he set me back down on the sidewalk, I knew that had to leave because Mrs. Thomas was probably wondering when I was going to come back. Josh seemed disappointed that I had to leave, but he made me promise that would hang out again soon.  I agreed without hesitation.

I liked hanging out with guys such as Garrett, Josh, and Aiden. None of them started any drama unlike most of the girls I talked to in my grade. I was different on that front. I disliked any form of conflict. It just got on my nerves.

Hanging out with boys helped me avoid that drama. Of course, my brothers and I had our problems, but it was nothing major, and Garrett and I had a few arguments, which never lasted very long. Overall, I avoided drama and if any drama was started, it usually involved people getting offended by my actions and my big mouth.

As soon as I walked in the door at Garrett's, his father and mother and his friend, Tre, were positioned around the dining room eating dinner. I instantly apologized for being gone so long, but Mrs. Thomas insisted that it was okay and that she made me a plate in the kitchen if I was hungry.

Sometimes I envied Garrett's family life. I envied how close they all were to one another. His parents always managed to find time for him and yet, somehow, he still hated his life. I knew his family had nothing to do with his mindset, but I just wished their was a reason for his sadness; a reason that could be fixed.

After finishing dinner, I figured out that both Tre and I were staying the night. However, I was a bit surprised that Tre was given the guest room instead of me. Usually Garrett wouldn't let me stay in his room, but that night he didn't protest. He ended up sleeping for three hours with me beside him.

I smiled, running my hand softly through his black hair as Green Day's When I Come Around played from his speakers. "You realize I would probably leave you for Billie Joe Armstrong any day?"

He chuckled. "Babe, I would probably leave you for Billie Joe Armstrong as well. He's a lyrical genius."

I shrugged. "He's also hot."

Garrett turned his head to look up at me. "And I'm not? Is this conversation you telling me that I'm not attractive enough?"

I grin lit up my face as he chuckled before leaning up to kiss me. "Garrett, you know I love you through everything. I wouldn't leave you for anybody."

"I love you too and I'm sorry for the way I am," he responded.

My boyfriend gently rolled himself on top of me and I reached out to tuck tuffs of his hair behind his ear. "Don't be sorry, Garrett Thomas. No matter what you think or what you do, I'll be here to help you through everything."

It Goes There // Josh Dun + Twenty One PilotsWhere stories live. Discover now