twenty-nine // ashes to ashes we all fall down

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The scene in the White Chapel High School cafeteria is being described as "grim," by the police officers that are currently investigating the case and trying to identify all the victims.

"We have almost every officer in the county in that cafeteria," says Sgt. Jennifer York. "They are looking over every little piece of evidence, trying to figure out a motive. However, I do have to say that it is very brutal walking in there. It is such a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all the families suffering."

The shooting, which began just as school was beginning to start, left at least seven people dead and countless others wounded.

The sound of voices woke me up; multiple voices that seemed quite irritated. I opened one eye to see Harper and Eric, their faces glued to the TV, which displayed something they seemed quite interested in. I couldn't make out what it was, so I closed my eyes once again.

My shoulder throbbed and my throat hurt, like I had been screaming my lungs out. Foggy was the only word I could really use to describe my mind right now. It was like I was in a fog. I couldn't remember why I was where I was or what exactly happened, but I knew it was something terrible.

"She's waking up," I heard Micah say, "her foot just twitched."

Next I felt a gentle hand touch my leg. "Chicago, honey, are you awake?"

I forced my eyes to open and I was surprised at what greeted me. I was lying in a hospital bed, clean white sheets covering my body and two IV's hooked to my hand. Harper and Eric were still watching the TV while Micah and Denahi were sitting next to the bed, Christian sitting on the window sill. They had solemn looks on their faces.

A groan left my mouth as I tried to sit up without very much success. Eric turned his head. "Hey, are you feeling?"

"Terrible and in pain," I replied back.

"Don't worry, the pain will go away soon," Micah explained. "The IV's have painkillers in them."

Harper slowly turned to face me, crossing her arms. Her eyes were red from what seemed to be crying and her blue eyes had lost their familiar gleam. "Chicago, honey, do you remember what happened today at school?"

I glanced around at all my siblings in the room. None of them would look me in the eye. My head turned to see my right shoulder covered in multiple bandages and I became confused. Why couldn't I remember what happened? "I don't remember anything," I said, softly.

Christian's feet made a clomping sound as he got up from the window sill. "You were shot, Chicago, along with a lot of other people. Garrett shot you."

I sharply turned my head to look at Denahi, my open mouthed, a million questions about to come out. "Hey, guys?" he asked. "Will you all leave the room? I would like to talk to Chicago alone."

All my siblings nodded and when the door shut behind them, Denahi moved closer to my bed, reaching out to grab my hand. "Garrett shot you, Chicago. That's why your shoulder is all bandaged up."

The memories were slowly coming back to me. The cracks sounding throughout the entire cafeteria, the screams, all the panic in everyone's eyes. Remembering the look on Diane Johnson's face when I left her would probably stay with me for the rest of my life.

It Goes There // Josh Dun + Twenty One PilotsWhere stories live. Discover now