A lovely day indeed

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After reading the letter, the girls had different reactions. Normally they  both would've cried together, sobbing and holding each other, telling the other it would be okay. But that's not what happened. Katt smiled and nodded. She understood and it was his decision to make. She just sat there, smiling and trying to go on about things. Melony shrugged and went back to her room, locking the door and turning some music on.

Missy tried to comfort them both but was confused. With Katt saying how happy she was and Melony simply not caring, she didn't know what to do. She called Dr. James and told him about the letter and the girls reaction.

He asked for an emergency visit, to bring the girls in and see what they were really feeling. So Missy packed Katt and Melony into her car and off they went. Then entire way Katt was seeing a up beat song smiling out the window and Melony was in the back, reading.

When they got to the agency, he took Katt first. 

"How are you doing Katherine?"

She simply smiled and gave him a cheerful "Great!" He sighed and raised an eye brow.

"And what how do you feel about your brother not coming?"

Her smile faltered for a second before it was back in place. 

"Its his choice. He will come when hes ready."  

She nodded and said it again, more to herself that time before looking back up and smiling. All he could get out of her were smiles and nothing more. 

The girls switched and Melony went back. He ask her the same questions but she only responded with shrugs. No matter what he asked or how he asked it, it was always a shrug. 

Finally he up realizing neither girl would talk to him. He told Missy that there was nothing he could do if they wont talk about it. She nodded and called the girls, then they went home.


Things just kept going on like this. Melony got more and more depressed, spending her days locked in her room. She would only come out for meals and even then she refused to talk to anybody. She grew darker and darker as they days pasted. 

Missy thought maybe she needed some social interaction. Despite her missing foot, Missy enrolled her in public school.


Everyday, Missy drove Katt and Melony to the school, dropped them off, the drove to work. Katt loved school.She had lots of friends, she was in lots of activities and she was in 2 grades higher than she was suppose to.

She was the ideal child. However, Melony wasn't so keen on going to school. She didn't have friends, she was barely passing, and she even got bullied. The kids were so cruel to her. Katt tried to defend her, but no one would listen. 

Melony was miserable, she hated the way she looked and she hated the way she was treated. 

At the end of the school year, Missy came to get the girls after Katts soccer practice. As Melony walked out of the school, Missy say she had dyed her hair. It wasn't its rich brown that she got from her father, it was black.

When they got home Missy and Melony screamed at each other for hours. A girl at school had found Melony in the bathroom crying. The girl left when school ended and came back 30 minutes later. She had a box of black hair dye, she had had her mother run to the drug store and pick some up. 

Melony was so happy about the gift from her new friend, but she new her mom wouldn't let her dye it. The girl suggested they just do it in the sinks there. So they did. Missy was furious and by the end of their fight they were both in tears saying things they would both regret later.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come back for you and leave you with your father!" Missy spat at her child

"Fine by me! I would rather be tortured than have to call a woman like you my mother!" Melony retorted. They both stopped then, looking at themselves in shock. Melony turned on her heels and ran to her room, slamming the door and crawling onto her bed. Missy did the same. Katt was on the stairs watching the fight unfold. As they both disappeared into their rooms, Katt came down. 

She looked around and all you could hear was Melony blasting her music. Katt went outside and sat by a tree. She forced a smile on her face. She thought to herself  "What a lovely day it is."

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