Chapter 3~ The Funeral

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                                                              Chapter 3~ The Funeral

                                                                 ~The Next Morning~

           They held the funeral on the same cliff that they had held my parents funerals. To me though, it wasn't really a funeral. Mainly because instead of burying Desmond they burned him. I didn't really get why they did that though. They had done the same thing to my parents, so I just assumed that since everyone else in the town that died got buried, then they just burned the important ones.

          For me though, Desmond's "funeral" hurt just as much as my parents did. It ripped my heart apart when they set the fire, but being the only one left in my family I had to remain for the whole thing. The townspeople that knew Desmond and were friends with him were allowed to come to the service as well, but as hard as they tried they couldn't console me. All I wanted was to have Desmond beside me and telling me everything was going to ok. That this was all a dream.

          Unfortunately, things like that don't happen in my world. I waited for everyone to leave before I even made a move to step away from the blazing fire that had consumed my brother's body. Before I left, I walked as close as I could to the blaze and I said my goodbyes but I knew they wouldn't be forever. Transylvanians always looked on the brighter side of death. The brighter side being that one day we will be reunited again.

           "I'm sorry, Princess. If we had fought harder maybe we could have saved the Prince. I'm sorry we failed you." I looked behind me to the brave townspeople that had been injured in the fight with the vampires. They all had bandages on them, but I looked towards the one who had ended up needing crutches because of a serious injury to his leg.

           "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that much of you. Especially seeing the way things turned out. I will give each of you enough money to help you while you are unable to work. I thank you for your efforts to help rid our town of the vampires, but I not be asking that of you ever again. From now on, I'm on my own. I will not endanger your lives just so you can help me." They all stared at me with wide eyes.

          "But, Princess, you heard what the vampires said. Their masters want you for some kind of plan. Now excuse me for questioning you, but do you plan on going after these vampires by yourself, Princess? Because if so then you're effectively throwing away everything your brother tried to do to keep you safe and you're throwing away our efforts to keep you and Desmond alive." I looked at all the men that were here.

          Did I know what I was going to do was stupid? Yes. Did I know that I wouldn't stand a chance against 8 vampires? Yes. But none of that matters to me because I wanted revenge and I was damn sure I was going to get it. No matter what.

         "I know the risk of what I'm planning to do. Which is why I'm going alone. If there is a chance someone is going to die, I'd rather it'd be me than one of you. You all have families here. Children to take care of. I'm not going to risk your lives again. My suggestion to you would be go home. Rest and stay with your families. Don't worry about me."  I waited for them to make a move to leave but they all stood perfectly still.

         "Princess, we are not going to let you throw away your life just because you want revenge. You can't make us go home and we are certainly not going to leave here knowing that you're going to throw everything your parents and your brother did for you away. I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. You have two choices Princess. You either assemble another team that's combat ready and you take them with you on your hunt for these vampires, or you don't hunt them at all. I know neither option is great but that's all you've got. I made a vow to your parents that I wouldn't let you die if I could help it, so I'm not going to stand by and let you go on a suicide mission. I can't do that." I didn't really know what to do either option wasn't really an option to me. I was going to find and kill these vampires and no one was going to stop me. But at the same time I'm not going to put more lives in danger.

      "Alright, I won't hunt the vampires. I'll just lay low for awhile. That way they won't know where to find me." I watched as their faces relaxed and they started making their way back towards the town. I was still going to hunt the vampires but I would let them come to me. That way I could keep my promise to the townspeople and get my revenge.

++ Hey again! So as usual, please leave comments on what you think of the story. Thanks for reading! And I'm going to try and update this book every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But if I miss an update don't be mad please because school is coming up and I'm working on another book too so don't be mad please! Till next time! Bye! : )

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