Chpater 24~ The Plan

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Chapter 24~ The Plan

(Adrian's POV)

"Ok, so now we have to prepare for the fight of our lives."

"I know that I'm going off topic here, but we need to help Serena." I looked Aaron confused and he continued to explain exactly what he meant.

"Adrian she hasn't come out of that room since she was put in there. She won't eat or drink anything. We have to help her." I knew she was upset but I didn't think she was that upset about Christian.

"What is there that we can do? If she won't come out of her room how so you suppose we help her?"

"Easy, we just go into her room and try to coax her into eating something at least. She maybe a vampire now but we can still die if we don't get blood and you know that. An lets say Christian is still alive, think of what it would do to him if Serena dies. I mean really after all he's been through do you really want to let Serena die?" Lissa definitely had a point, so with that being said I led the way to Serena's room. Before I walked in I checked to see if I could hear her moving. When I didn't hear anything I gently grabbed the door knob and turned it slowly opening the door in the process.

"Serena?" As I slowly looked into her room I had to let my eyes adjust because she didn't have any lights on at all. I looked around the room and I could make out a small figure in the corner of the room. I made my way to the figure as quietly as I could with the others following at a distance.

"Serena? Are you ok?" When I was standing just a few feet away from the small figure I could smell blood. "Aaron turn the lights on." As light flooded over the small space Serena came into my view, and I noticed she was holding her wrist to her chest as I got closer.

"Get away from me Adrian." Her voice wasn't strong as it's supposed to be and there was blood spatters on the floor where she was sitting.

"Serena what's wrong? What did you do?" Her eyes became unfocused as her eyelids started to fall closed.

"I just want Christian back......." Before so could say anything else to her she gave into exhaustion. As her body went limp from sleep her wrist fell from where she had it held closely to her and I could see the fresh cuts on her arm.

"Come on, she needs help." We took her to Jonathan.

~~~~ 3 Hours Later~~~~

"Where's the blade Serena?" We had been trying for going on an hour to get her to talk but she refused to even look at us.

"You know if you don't tell us we can always go through your room until we find it." Serena looked at Aaron and glared at him until he looked at the floor.

"Go ahead. It's not like I care."

"Look Serena, if you don't want to tell us where it is then at least tell us why you did it." She slowly shifted her gaze to me.

"I did it because I couldn't take it anymore. I mean really what would you do if you were told that your parents had died in a car crash when you were 16 only to find out that they were alive until they died of starvation in a dark cell? Not to mention that my brother was killed and I was forced to become one of you. Then as if that wasn't enough the only person left that I actually care about is left to die at the hands of some fucked up vampire." She turned to look up at the ceiling and I looked to Aaron for advice, but all he did was shrug his shoulders. Good thing I had an idea.

"Don't you want revenge?" She turned back to look at me an I could see her curiosity getting the best of her.

"What kind of revenge?" I glanced back to the others before focusing all my attention back on Serena.

"Well we came up with a plan and that plan gives us all a chance to get our revenge. All you have to do is say that you'll help us. Then you'll get revenge for Christian."

"What's the plan?"

"The plan is that we join forces with Jonathan and his clan then together we take the castle by force. It's safe to say they aren't going to just let us have the castle, so while we are taking the castle we kill anyone who gets in our way. Before we can take the castle though we have to prepare, an Jonathan has a training course and people that can train us." Serena looked between me and the others.

"When do we start training?"

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