Chapter 7~ Relief

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++ Hey Guys!! I wont have my new book up until probably early tomorrow morning or afternoon. I'm not sure yet. But I'll let you guys know!! Don't Forget You're Beautiful No Matter What They Say!! Bye!! :D

    Chapter 7~ Relief (Serena's POV)

 I was starting to get nervous and really worried because Christian hadn't come back yet. What if he lied to me? What if he left with the other vampires and just decided to leave me here to starve to death? Does he even remember I'm here? I mean if doesn't come back to let me out then I'm stuck because I cant get out of here without a light to see by. He probably did leave me though. His vampire buddies probably mean more to him than I do even though he's saved my ass more than once. I looked down to the floor, even though I can't even see it. I felt a tear slide gently down my cheek and onto the floor. I wish my brother was here. He would tell me everything would be fine even if it wasn't true. As I drowned in my thoughts and a few more tears escaped my eyes, I heard someone walking to the fireplace. I watched terrified as the fireplace slowly opened up to reveal me sitting there on the floor shaking. I looked up and I saw Christian looking down at me worriedly.

  "Are you ok? Why are you crying?" He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me out of the dark passageway before he motioned for me to sit on the couch in front of him. I looked down then back up.

  "I'm fine. You should just go back to the castle before they send someone after you." I refused to look him in the eyes as I spoke because a part of me wanted him to stay. I wanted comfort and there was no one here in this house except him to comfort me.

  "You're a terrible liar. For another thing, I'm not leaving here until I know you're ok. Do you understand me?" I looked up at him then. He was looking down at me with his arms folded across his chest. He looked so damned determined. He looked so much like Desmond standing there giving me that look. Although Desmond and Christian looked nothing alike physically they still acted the same.

  "Look I'll be fine just go back to your masters. You need to go back to them before they come to you." I watched as he looked at me closely, before he slowly nodded his head. He made his way to the window and changed. He gave me one last look before he took off.

  "Christian, don't leave me..." I watched him fly away and my house far behind. I was glad he didn't hear me though he should have been able to. I sat down on the couch and for no specific reason I burst into tears. I cried myself to sleep that night, hoping tomorrow would be better.

Inherited Danger   (Book One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt