Chapter 25~ The Final Days of Preparation

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Chapter 25~ The Final Days of Preparation

(Serena's POV)

After 3 weeks of extremely intense training we are finally ready to take the castle. I'm ready for my revenge. When we get to the castle I plan on finding Dracula, Verona, and Demetri and I'm going to rip their heads off. I'm still holding onto the small hope that Christian is still alive. That maybe I'm not all alone. Adrian still thinks that there's no way Christian could have survived but I know Christian, he wouldn't have given up easily. I just hope when this is all over we'll all still be alive.

"Hey Serena, come on you still have some training to get done." I turned to Adrain, he had been a good friend over these past few weeks. He actually helped me learn how to use the new skills and abilities that I acquired after being turned into a vampire.

"Ok let's go." As I turned to follow Adrian I could have sworn I saw something move in the forest around us. After looking around and not seeing anyone though I just blew it off as my eyes playing tricks on me.

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