Chapter 9~ Helpless

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    Chapter 9~ Helpless (Serena's POV)

  For the next couple of weeks I watched helplessly as the vampires killed off more of my people for food. I wanted to go and fight for my people but I couldn't. Not only was I outnumbered and hopelessly lacking the strength to kill them by myself, I also had a promise I had to keep. Even though the poor townsman, whose name I soon found out was Samuel, had been killed for food a couple of days ago I still felt it was my place to keep that promise to him. I would not go back on my word. Despite all the funerals I've had to go to though, for the unfortunate souls that became the vampires next meal, I constantly wondered where Christian. He never once came down to the town to attack and feed on my people. It's been a little over two weeks since I saw him last and I know that by now he should have been out there feeding. I was extremely worried over it, I thought mostly of Christian with my people and my brother passing through my mind briefly during these two weeks. Ever since the vampires came here the first time they haven't been back, but I had a feeling they would make an appearance any day now.

   As if right on cue, I heard the sound of wings approaching my home. I took a little peek out my window to see seven vampires flying towards me. I quickly grabbed a box of matches and rushed into the secret passageway behind the fireplace. The door closed just a few minutes before the vampires came through the window and landed on the floor before changing into their human forms. U watched quietly, through a crack in the wood as one of the vampires that I didn't recognize chained Christian's hands together. Then he pushed Christian on the couch and left him to go search the rest of the house.

  I looked closely at Christian, he looked like he'd been put through hell and back. He was paler than the other vampires and that's saying something, it looked like he'd lost weight too. Then as if he could sense me watching him, he looked directly at me. Our eyes met and I saw relief and a flash of something else in his eyes that I couldn't place. I moved to open up the passageway and go to him but he shook his head sternly at me. I stayed put even though I wanted to go help him, especially after all the times he's helped keep me alive. After a few more seconds of me and Christian just staring at each other, the other vampires came back into the living room.

  "Christian, where's the girl?" I didn't recognize this vampire but I knew she had to be one of the Head Vampires. She was looking at Christian pleadingly, but he just shook his head at her before he shifted in his seat to get comfortable.

  "I told you there is no girl. You guys just choose not to listen to me. It was just a woman that I fed off of. I mean really if I was sneaking around seeing a girl, don't you think that you guys would have noticed way before now?" He was a damn good liar but even I knew that vampires had when it came to sensing someone's mood and their feelings. They would have been able to tell pretty quickly that he was lying. Even knowing that though Christian still lied to keep me safe. I watched anxiously as the Head Vampire and one other vampire I couldn't place scrutinized him.

  "Christian, we know that you know that we know you're lying. Just tell us who she is, where she is, and why she is so important to you that you are resorting to lying to us." Whoever this vampire is, I don't like her. She seems a bit off in a way, I just cant put my finger on it yet.

  "Besides Christian, you know if you don't tell us the truth now, then you'll just be put back into the torture room. Whoever this girl is she cant be worth you suffering like this. You know Dracula said he was going to up the torture until you either collapse and go into shock or you tell us what we want to know." This time some guy I couldn't place was speaking to Christian. I didn't trust him either, he was acting cold towards Christian. I wonder when Christian started going through torture though. Him risking his own well-being for me was getting to me. I mean he was going through torture for me, just so he could keep me safe. It wasn't fair to him.

  "I'm sure if she was real, she'd be worth all the torture in the world. One problem though, she doesn't exist! She never has! You guys just wont listen to me. Sometimes I think you just like to put me through the torture just to see how much of it I can take before I break and give in to your demands. I'd even go as far as to say that you take joy from seeing me weak and vulnerable. You just like knowing that you have all this control over us and that you can make us do anything you want just by threatening us with torture every time we do one little thing that you don't agree with!" The guy vampire that I couldn't name stepped forward and slapped Christian so hard he ended up crashing into a wall at least a good 10 feet away from where he once was. I realized that I was afraid for Christian. I wanted him safe. I wanted him with me.

  "Take care what you say, Christian. Especially in front of Demetri and I. Now just do yourself a favor and tell us where the girl has escaped to. Then we can find her and turn her into one of us so you can be happy with her for the rest of your life. Just tell us and we can end al your suffering." So then the guys name is Demetri. I wonder who the woman is though.

  "Again, if she was real I wouldn't tell you anything. I wouldn't condemn her to feeding off humans and living forever. It's wrong! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I hate myself for what I am! For what you made me!" This time the woman slapped him, before she grabbed him and hauled him back to the couch he was sitting on before. He couldn't even walk on his own now. I felt so guilty. He wouldn't have to go through this if it wasn't for me.

  "We saved you! You ungrateful bastard! If it wasn't for us you'd be dead right now. You owe us everything you are. Maybe to teach you that little lesson, we'll just track her ourselves." The woman turned around to face the fireplace and smirked. She knew she had him.

  "You stay away from her!" They all turned to face him at the same time. The woman walked over to him and looked down on him, from the look on her face she was proud of her accomplishment. As for Christian he looked defeated. They had finally broke him. That just gave me another reason to drive a stake through their hearts.

  "It seems like I've finally broken you Christian, I thought for sure the torture would be the thing that broke you, but no it was one little threat to a pathetic little human girl that probably hates you for what you are. She probably acts like she likes you because you can save her pretty little neck." I watched as some of the vampires I knew by name, Aaron and Adrian, tensed up as the woman spoke to Christian. She already broke the poor guy, why tell him lies?

  All I could hope was that Christian wouldn't believe her. If he did I don't know what I would do. He was all I had left. He was the only one I still had that I cared about.

  "You don't know her. You don't anything about her. In case you haven't noticed I don't stay down for long. Plus, even I'm not stupid enough to believe your lies. You're just trying to put me down further so you can make yourself believe that I'll stay down. One problem though, I never stay down. Never have, never will." Christian believed in me? I couldn't believe it. We'd barely even talked to each other but he believes in me.

  "That's it we're done here. It's time to head back. Once we get there Demetri, if you will lead Christian back to his cell in the dungeons. Tell the guards to wait for orders from Dracula before they torture him any further. The rest of you will follow me to the meeting room to discuss what we should do next with Dracula." Then she turned her back on all of them before flying out the window. All the others followed, well except for Demetri and Christian.

  "Don't move. I have to go to the other room to find a pair of pliers." Demetri left and returned a few seconds later with a set of my fathers pliers. He released Christian's hands before leading him to the window and flying away. I slowly opened the passageway and crawled out.

  I decided to just curl up on the couch and go to sleep. As I laid down and pulled a blanket over me, I breathed in deeply and was overwhelmed by Christian's scent. I got comfortable and fell into a deep sleep. That night all I dreamt of was Christian. My last thought was, I hope Christian will be ok....

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