Chapter 8~ Punishment

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     Chapter 8~ Punishment (Christian's POV)

   "Christian, don't leave me...." Her words rang in my ears over and over again. I couldn't go back though. She wanted to be alone, then fine she could be alone. I've been there before and it doesn't feel good but if she wanted to go through it then so be it. I made my way slowly back to the castle, I had a feeling that they were waiting for me to return. I didn't bother thinking about that though, my mind was on Serena and the last thing she said to me. Why would she tell me not to leave if she wanted me to go? Why was she crying? Was she ok now? God, listen to me, I sound like a someone that's in love. That's because stupid you love Serena. Why don't you just shut up! Listen to me, I'm going insane. I was just talking to myself for Christ's sake. What the hell is wrong with me?!

  Thankfully I didn't have to think on it much longer because the castle came into my view. I headed for the window that almost always remained open. When I landed and changed back into human form I turned around to go to my room when I came face to face with Verona and Demetri.

 "It's nice to see you made it back safely Christian. For a minute there we were starting to believe we'd have to go find you ourselves." There was something odd about the way Verona was speaking to me. Her eyes didn't give anything away though, and neither did her feelings.

  "It took a little longer than expected to get back because I though I saw something in the woods on the way back here and I stopped to check it out." I watched Verona carefully and I saw a brief flash of disappointment and sadness sweep across her face. Yeah, there was definitely something going on here.

  "Very well, follow us to the meeting room, Christian. It's extremely important." I nodded as Verona turned her back to me and Demetri gave me a look of disappointment and disapproval. I followed them to the other side of the castle where they motioned for me to come into the meeting area and take a seat. Dracula was already sitting at his position at the table and I cautiously sat down in front of him.

  "Christian, I wish we didn't have to keep seeing each other on circumstances such as these but you always seem to be getting into trouble, You understand the punishments for betraying us and going against our orders correct?" Dracula was watching ,e intensely while Verona and Demetri wouldn't even glance my way.

  "Excuse me for sounding rude, but what's this about?" Verona and Demtri looked down at me and Dracula smirked.

  "Don't play coy with me Christian. Adrian has already come forward and told us what he sensed and what he saw while he was at that house with you and the others. From what he's told us you were acting very strangely, and you lied constantly to all of his questions. Something was going on with you, Christian. Even I can smell the girls scent on you. So, tell me who is she, where is she, and why were you at that house with her instead of out looking for the Princess?" Dracula kept his eyes focused completely on me never once looking away.

  "I wasn't with any girl. Whatever you're smelling, is probably from me feeding off some woman earlier today. As for me being at the house, I was there searching for the Princess. At the end of my search though, I didn't find her or anyone else there. Whoever did live there left for the night." Protect Serena. Don't let them know the truth. I kept repeating that in my head over and over again. Protect her from them at all costs.

  "Don't lie to me Christian!" Dracula stood and slammed his fist on the table cracking the marble. Then he slowly sat back down before he called the guards into the room.

  "Christian just tell us the truth! Please!" If I didn't know any better I would have thought Verona was begging me right then. Nevertheless, I couldn't tell them the truth.

  "I've already told you the truth." I stood my ground even when Dracula motioned the guards forward to stand on either side of me.

  "Take him to the torture room. Beat him until he submits, if he refuses to tell the truth keep beating him until he collapses from blood loss. Then just give him enough blood to survive on. Keep beating him for lets say two weeks. If by then you haven't submitted to us, then we'll just have to go to house ourselves to see who it is that has been distracting you. Take him away." The guards grabbed both my arms pinning them behind my back before leading me out of the room. The others were heading to their rooms when they saw me and stopped to see what was going on.

  "Christian, I hope you know we don't take joy out of seeing you in pain. We hate it really, but you always defy them, why?" Like I could tell them that. Besides it wasn't a secret that they didn't like their jobs, I saw the pained expression they had whenever they hit me hard enough to make me scream.

  "Because I like spending time with you guys." I watched the others look at me worriedly and then look towards the room I just left where they could here shouting. Sounded like Verona and Demetri against Dracula but I couldn't be sure. I looked at Adrian and he met my gaze with a guilty expression. I shook my head at him before the guards continued on their way to lower parts of the castle where the prisoners are held. They led me to the all too familiar cell that they had reserved for me only and led me inside. As the door closed behind me I hoped Serena would be ok, especially since I cant save her now.

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