Chapter 10~ The Girl

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++ Hey Guys so I'm finally getting around to updating this story and because it's been forever I'm going to try and make it up by posting chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14!!!! So you should have plenty to read once I'm done. Because I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for why it's taken so long for me to update here's the reason. I've had a lot of school work I've needed to due including three different projects and on top of that I've been working on three more stories that will be ready to be uploaded in maybe like a week or so. But without further ado..... Here's Chapter 10!!! Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoy these next few chapters!!!!! Bye!!!! :D

              Chapter 10~ The Girl

               (Adrian's POV)

  As soon as we landed in the castle, Verona led us to the meeting room. We waited patiently for Demetri to return from the lower parts of the castle. Dracula was already in his chair when we arrived (unfortunately). As we waited I noticed Dracula giving Aaron looks, and they weren't the kind of looks you wanted to get from Dracula. Those were the same looks he gave Christian before Dracula sent him to his first torture, and Aaron was oblivious to the looks of impending doom coming from our master.

  Verona was looking down at the empty seat at the end of the table farthest from the rest of us, Christian's seat. She didn't even look worried, which for her is unusual. Especially if it's something about Christian. Instead she looked a little guilty, but her feelings showed her true despair. She felt terrible for what she had done to Christian, but she refused to show it. It's like Dracula always said, "Feelings make you weak and you never show weakness." Fortunately, Demetri walked in a few seconds later so we could get the meeting started.

  "Now, as you all know Christian has been showing signs of disloyalty to us and we can not allow this to go unchecked any longer. From what Verona has told me about what happened at the house earlier, the only way it seems to get to Christian is to get to the girl. Now, we aren't for sure but we may find the girl to be the Princess, but for now we are unsure of her true identity---" Dracula was cut off when one of Christian's guards burst into the room.

  "Dracula, Verona, Demetri, I have come to inform you that Christian has collapsed from blood loss and me and my partner didn't know what to do so we brought him up here to you all." His partner carried in an unconscious Christian that was bleeding so badly that I couldn't even find the wound. I felt Mia bury her head in my side and I felt small wet patches start to form on my shirt. I looked at Aaron who had his shut and his head on top of Lissa's as she cried into his chest. I looked down at Christina and I felt terrible, if I hadn't told them anything he'd probably be sitting in his place at the table right now instead of bleeding on the floor.

  "Take him to the feeding area and make sure to get blood into him. After that bring him back up here. Now go!" Verona looked distraught and Demetri looked distressed, Dracula on the other hand looked unfazed by what he had just seen. I looked at Aaron and Lissa to see them still clinging to each other for comfort.

  "Dracula, I think you need to stop the torture on Christian. Just let him off of it. It's not getting us anywhere anyway." Verona was on the verge of tears and I just felt numb. I didn't really feel anything besides sadness for knowing I was the one to put him in that state just for opening my big mouth.

  "Nonsense. He will remain in the torture room until he learns loyalty. Now, back to the meeting. As I was saying, we are unsure of the girls true identity but whoever she is, she will be tracked and she will be brought back here to be held in the prison cells until we can starve Christian of enough blood to make him attack her when we place them in the same room together. After that he will have two options either he turn her or he lets her die. Either option doesn't really effect us, but it will determine whether he lives alone for the rest of his life or if he will have a partner to share his life with."

  Verona and Demetri looked to Dracula in disbelief. Making Christian attack the only person he's ever cared about since being turned is unthinkable. They had turned Mia and Lissa, so me and Aaron wouldn't have to, but starving Christian then locking them in a room together and leaving him to make the decision is unimaginable. It's probably worse than torture. I could see it now, they shut the door and lock it, Christian sees the girl but his predator takes control then he bites her, a minute or two later he'll senses and he sees what he's done, he holds the girl in his arms as she slowly dies. I shuddered, that was just too damn realistic.

  "Dracula, that's unthinkable. Do you know what that would do to him? It would destroy him! Torture is one thing this is something else completely different. It would cause him to distance himself from everyone or worse he could lash out at all of us. Are you that terrible?!" Verona's voice had slowly started to rise in volume until she was shouting.

  "Listen to me! You will listen to and obey my orders. Do not forget your place, Verona! My word is final. Adrian you will lead the others to the house and you will track the girl starting tonight. If you cant find her tonight then you will keep hunting for her until you can find her and capture her. Even if it is the Princess. Anyone who has a problem with this can speak up now. Be warned if you do you will secure yourself your own little torture cell." Dracula stood and left the room without looking back but he didn't go far. He had only gone a few steps from the door and now he was just standing there.

  Then the door opened again to reveal a very pale and vulnerable Christian half-dragging himself into the room. Verona and Demetri just stared at him in shock. I stood up and helped him walk to his place at the table. I helped him slowly sit down, he grabbed his side and grunted in pain in the process.

  "Are you ok man?" He looked up at me and smirked.

  "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. They haven't beaten me yet." I smiled a little at his attempt at down playing his injuries.

  "Why are you and the others still here Adrian? Did you not hear my orders? Guard, escort Christian back to his cell but tell them not to torture him just don't give him any blood." Dracula took his leave once again from the room apparently he was waiting for Christian to get back in here before he left for sure. Probably making sure we didn't tip Christian off about his plans.

  "Come on, Christian." The guard carefully lifted him out of the chair and walked closely beside him to keep him walking upright. If only I had told Christian about what they were planning to do to him.

  "Come on guys, we might as well get started. The sooner we find her the better. We can start at the house then move onto the woods and further out. As for Christian, let's spare him and leave him out of this." The others nodded slowly before following me out of the castle and towards the house.

  We arrived at the house and decided to split up and search different parts of the house before meeting back up in the dining room to discuss what we would do next. After hours of searching the house and coming up with nothing I decided to stay at house in case the girl came out of her hiding place and the others were going to search the woods around the house. After the others had left though my mind wandered to Christian, he was already a loner, they shouldn't be doing this to him and they shouldn't be making us do their dirty work just so they can turn around and tell Christian that it was all on us for finding the girl. I felt so bad for him, but I pushed that out of my mind as I started searching the house once again. I just hope we don't find her...........

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