Chapter 12~ Prisoner

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Chapter 12~ Prisoner

(Serena's POV)

We arrived at the castle and Adrian dropped me as gently as he could on the floor. He changed back into his human form before he grabbed my arm again to keep me from running away. The others followed his lead, once again they all stood in front of him waiting for orders or something. I didn't actually think they had a leader, but out of all of them it'd seem like Adrian would be the one to lead them.

"Aaron you're coming with me and the Princess. Mia and Lissa you two should head back to your rooms and wait for us there. We should be back soon. Come on, Aaron get on the other side of her." The girls walked slowly towards a staircase while Adrian and Aaron led me in the opposite direction. After walking for a few minutes we came to a door and Adrian stepped forward pushing it open in the process. He pulled me inside with him.

"What is it now, Adrian?" Demetri seemed bored. Bored enough in fact that he didn't even look up right away upon our arrival. He looked up soon enough though. Probably because he could smell my scent.

"You should call Dracula and Verona for this one, Demetri." I watched as he hit a button and a few minutes later two more vampires appeared through the doors, walking to the table where Demetri was already sitting.

"This had better be good Adrian." The girl vampire, Verona I'm assuming, muttered as she sat down beside Dracula. When her and Dracula looked up and saw me standing there they instantly sat forward.

"So you've found the Princess, but what about the girl that Christian has been sneaking around with?" Dracula was looking at me intensely and I moved behind Adrain so he couldn't see me anymore.

"This is her, Dracula. We found her hiding in a secret passageway behind the grand fireplace in the house we found Christian in to begin with." I saw anger flash in Dracula's eyes. Then he motioned toward the guard standing in the back of the room.

"Bring me Christian. Now!" With that the guard all but ran out of the room and to wherever they were holding Christian. I wanted to see Christian so badly and I'm kind of glad ill be able to see him again. At the same time though I don't want to see him. I don't want to see what their torture had done to him. Especially since he went through it all just to keep me safe. The guard came back supporting an unwilling Christian. It was like he already knew they had captured me because he was already looking right at me when they brought him all he way into the room. The guards brought a chair for him but he refused to sit down. I knew he couldn't stand on his own, not for long anyways, but he probably didn't want them to know that.

"I'm glad you could join us, Christian. We have a little friend of yours as you can see." Dracula stood up and walked towards me. I couldn't help it when he got a few feet from me I ran right to Christian. Dracula watched us carefully. I stood behind Christian as Dracula made his way over to us. I gripped Christian's shirt as I watched Dracula get closer and closer. When he was standing a few feet away he paused. I felt Christian struggling against the restraints they had put on him but it was no use he was too weak to break free. Then my attention was brought back to Dracula as he started back towards us once again. I heard a small whimper escape my lips and then as if that as the final straw Christian broke free of his restraints and grabbed my hand.

"Impressive. I didn't think you had it in you Christian. Which those were specifically designed for the weaker prisoners, maybe you're not as weak as we thought you were." Dracula had stopped once again an he was just watching us now.

"Yeah well I guess I'm just full of surprises." I stayed as close to Christian as possible while still keeping an eye on Dracula. I didn't want to let that vampire out of my sight.

"Why defend a pathetic human girl that should have been killed along with her brother? You already know that you're no match for us. Besides you can't really believe that you can take us all on at once, or do you?" Christian's hand tightened just a little around mine. He wouldn't really try and fight them for me, would he?

"I would do anything to protect her. Even if it meant dying in the process as long as she's safe." I squeezed Christian's hand before looking back to Dracula who was getting madder by the minute. He looked between me and Christian before his eyes met mine. I smirked at him and he motioned for the guards to step forward once again.

"I want him back in his cell and I want her put in one of the empty cells. They will stay there until I say otherwise." He turned his back to us before storming out of the room. Christian turned to me and he checked me for any injuries. I didn't need to check him to know he had plenty of injuries and they were all because of me. I didn't want to but I felt tears pricking my eyes as I started to cry. Christian had gone through all that pain and suffering and I let then find me just because I can't keep my eyes open.

"I'm so sorry Christian. You went through all that torture for nothing. You should have just let then capture me in the woods. Then you would t be in pain right now an I wouldn't be a problem." Christian looked at me like I was crazy before he pulled me into his arms.

"You are worth going through all the torture in the world. If I had let them kill in the woods then I wouldn't have a reason to fight anymore. To me you're not a problem. You mean more to me than anything else and you had better never forget it." I couldn't believe he went through all this just for me. He barely even knows me. What makes this so weird though is that I think he's worth more than the entire world. I think he means as much to me as I do to him. I just hope I can make it out of this alive.

"You do realize that we've barely had a full conversation since we've met right?" He laughed.

"Believe me I know. I need something to think about during the day now don't I?" I smiled up at him. He turned to face the guards and then he looked to the other vampires in the room.

"Christian, we have to take you and the Princess to the prison cells." We looked at each other before nodding reluctantly. Verona and Demetri stood up though and whispered something to the guards that we couldn't hear. They nodded and left the room. Verona came to stand on one side of me and Demetri stood on the other side of Christian. They led us through the castle to the lower parts where we passed bay ton of prison cells. Christian and Demetri went to a cell on one side of the hallway while Verona led me to the one right across from it. As the door closed behind me I knew this wasn't going to end well. I just hope me and Christian could survive through this........

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