Chapter 5 Getting to Know Each Other

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Scott's POV

After about 10 minutes Esther came back with Mitch right behind her and the food.
"So..." Esther started, breaking the silence "let's just go around the table introducing ourselves. I'll start. I'm Esther Kaplan, I'm a counselor, and I'm Avi's sister."
"I'm Scott Hoying, I'm taking mostly music based classes, and I just moved here two weeks ago" I started
"I'm Mitch Grassi, I'm also taking music based classes, and I love Beyoncé." Mitch said
"I'm Kirstin Maldonado, I'm taking music and theater based classes, and I love to sing. Oh, by the way, you can call me Kirstie."
"I'm Kevin Olusola, I'm taking music based classes, and I play the cello"
"I'm Avi Kaplan, I'm taking music based classes, and I'm Esther's little brother."
"You guys are all taking music based classes" Esther said "There is this battle of the bands that starts in two weeks, you guys might be perfect for that."
"That sounds like so much fun" I said
"It would be a great bonding exercise" Kirstie added.
"We will need to prepare ourselves, this is what we have instead of color war"
Battle of the bands sounds like the coolest thing I could possibly do at camp if the rest of the guys are into it, it might make this summer the best yet.

Mitch's POV

We headed back to the bunk. I was very happy talking to Scott because I don't really have friends at home. Whenever Scott and I talk it feels so natural and so amazing, which is the complete opposite of how it feels to talk to anyone at school.
"So..." Scott started "is this your first summer here too?"
"Yeah, I've been kinda scared to leave home and go to sleep away for such a long time, but I decided it might be nice, especially to get a break from my parents pestering me." I replied
"I just moved here and my parents figured it would be a fun way to spend my summer, and make friends"
"This might sound a little weird, but I've never really had friends before..."
"Oh really, I guess I'll have to teach you what friendship is all about then huh?"
"Yeah, that would be great"
"First of all, before I start, I want to let you know that I've moved around a lot and have a hard time keeping friends"
"And you're the friend expert?"
"Well I've had tons of friends, I've been to tons of schools all over the country so I'm good at making them at least"
"Ok, please help me"
"I will, don't worry"
"Thanks, it really means a lot to me"

Kirstin's POV

Back at the bunk we were sitting on our beds. Avi was on his phone, Kevin was reading, Mitch and Scott were talking, and I was writing in my journal. I love to write, I write songs or entries like diary entries. It helps me express myself. I always have my journal with me and I go through them pretty fast, so I brought a bunch with me.  Esther is on her phone talking to the division leader about entering us in battle of the bands.
"They are all taking music based classes...I think they will make a great team...I haven't given schedules are they in...there are 5 others...sounds great!" She hung up the phone and a huge smile spread across her face.
"We are the fifth band in!" Esther squealed. We all cheered. Then Esther handed out our schedules and I couldn't be more excited.
First: 9:30-12:00 : Music
Second: 1:30-4:30 : Theater Production
My schedule couldn't be better. I was smiling down at the paper, and I guess it was a pretty big smile because Mitch tapped my shoulder.
"Are you happy with your classes?" He sassed
"I guess my smile wasn't big enough" I sassed back.
"What'd you get?"
"Music first, theater second, you?"
"Music first, music throughout history second, and Scott got the same classes"
"Ooh, that sounds like fun"
"I hope it will be"

Kevin's POV

I noticed the biggest smile on Kirstie's face as she read her schedule. I looked down and read mine.
First: 9:30-12:00 : music
Second: 1:30-4:30 : music: the classics
I have no idea what the second class is or what it is about, but it looks like fun. I looked over at Avi's schedule and saw we have the same classes. I walked over to Kirstie to find out what classes she was in.
"Hey what classes did you get? I can see your happy with them"I questioned
"Oh I am very happy about them. I got music first and theater second." She responded.
"Music and Music: the classics."
"Ooh fun, hey we have music together, all five of us, this will definitely help with us bonding"
"Yeah, it definitely will"
I smiled at that, it was still the first day yet this bunk, this group of people, is starting to feel like a family.

Avi's POV

I wasn't sure how much fun my afternoon class would be, but when I saw that Kevin also had the class I felt relieved. The class might be horrible, but Kevin will be in it and we will be able to hang out in class. Our first day is tomorrow and I hope it will be fun. I started to play on my phone, and we all ended up doing our own things. Mitch and Scott talking, Kevin reading, Kirstie writing, and I'm playing on my phone. Esther left us here for a wile to get settled while she is at a meeting. I pulled my earbuds out of my back pack to listen to music. I must have fallen asleep because all of a sudden Kevin was shaking me to get me up for dinner. We left the bunk and started walking towards the dinning hall.
"So we have the same classes" Kevin said
"Yeah we do" I replied
"Are you looking forward to them?"
"First class I'm excited for, second on the other hand..."
"What about it don't you like?"
"Music: The Classics what does that even mean?"
"I don't know, but we might be exploring some amazing artists and their path to fame. No matter what we do, it could be awful, but we will be together. So I say we should be friends. How does that sound."
"I would really like that. I'm sorry I'm acting like such an asshole. Esther kinda dragged me along with her to camp and I didn't really have an option."
"Oh, I had no idea"
"It's kind of a secret"
"Are you going to tell anyone else?"
"I said it was a secret. So no"
I had a friend. I was starting to warm up to the place and enjoy the summer.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long to put up. I will put another chapter up soon. Hopefully today. Thanks for reading this chapter.

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