Chapter 6 The First Official Day

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Kirstin's POV

Reveille blew loud and clear and Esther turned the lights on.
"Good morning!! Get out of bed and get ready for your first day. Breakfast is in 30 minutes" Esther said. I immediately got up and stood on my bed to look at my clothes and assed my options. After about 5 minutes I picked a pink t-shirt and light blue jean shorts. Then it was time to deal with the mess that was my hair. I was looking through my toiletries bag but couldn't find my brush and needed to tame my hair.
"Ugh where is my brush" I said in frustration "I know I packed it in here" I dumped the bag onto my bed but had no luck. It wasn't there.
"I thought I packed it. Where else could it be?"
"Look in your backpack, it was a last minute pack, you needed to use it before you got in the car to come to camp right?" Esther suggested.
"Yeah..." I searched through my backpack "found it!"
"Awesome, let me know if you need help finding anything else."
After I tamed my hair and made it look nice, I decided to do my makeup. Just something natural. My makeup was already on my bed so I grabbed my mirror and got to work. I started with foundation and concealer, some contour and highlight, a little blush, eyeliner, and mascara. I looked under my bed to decide what shoes to grab. I chose the pretty black sandals and headed out the door. I ended up walking with Mitch and Scott which was way better than walking alone.

Scott's POV

I walked with Mitch and Kirstie to breakfast. The three of us talked a lot which I enjoyed.
"You guys excited for your first day of classes?" Kirstie asked
"Yeah" Mitch and I said at the exact same time and started laughing.
"Do you think anyone besides our bunk are going to be in it?" She asked
"Hopefully not" Mitch responded
"I just want it to be the five of us, we can work on Battle of the Bands it would be so great" Kirstie seemed so happy.
We finally arrived at the dinning hall.
"Ooh I hope there is something good for breakfast!!" Kirstie squealed. Her bubbly personality made me smile as she was very excited about almost anything.
"Bacon, eggs, and an omelette bar!? I love omelettes so much! Yum!" Here eyes were wide and smile big. She got an omelette with cheese, and bacon. Mitch and I got the same thing except with egg whites and Mitch didn't have the bacon in his.
"So do you sing or play an instrument or something? I mean we are in music. " I asked Mitch
"Yeah, I sing, and play a little piano. Do you?" He replied
"Yeah, I do the same"
"Awesome, I bet you have an amazing voice"
"I wouldn't say amazing, but I bet yours is. You'll have to sing to me sometime"
"Same to you"
"We have music so you can sing then"
"I may, but only if you do"
"Then we both will"
"It's settled"

Mitch's POV

We headed outside of the dinning hall to find the counselors who would be teaching our class.
"Music is over there with Ben" someone said over the loud speaker.
I looked around and it was just the 5 of us.
"It says here that it is just the five of you so let's head to the room." Ben said tapping the clipboard with the attendance sheet on it.
"So do you guys know each other already?" Ben asked.
"Yeah, we are all in the same bunk" Scott replied. His reply was followed by nods from the rest of us.
"We are signed up for battle of the bands" I said quietly.
"That's awesome!! I can help you work on songs for battle of the bands if you guys would like" Ben offered
"That sounds awesome!!" Kirstie said
We arrived at the room and Ben unlocked the door and we walked in and took seats.
"This looks like my choir room at school" I said
"Yeah." Kirstie agreed. We go to the same school and are friendly, but I don't really have friends. We have done many projects together.
"You guys are in your school's choir?" Ben asked.
"Yeah, we kinda knew each other before camp" I said.
"Ok, so does anyone not sing?" Ben asked, but no one said anything.
"Awesome, how do you guys want to do Battle of the Bands?" Ben asked
"Um...we could be an A Cappella group, because we all sing..." Scott suggested.
"That's a good idea" I said which was followed by the nods of the rest of the group.
"It's settled then. You guys, bunk 10, are an A Cappella group" Ben announced and we all cheered. He had us sing and assessed our voices. I'm a tenor, Scott's a baritone, Avi's a bass, Kevin can beatbox so he is our beat boxer, and Kirstie is a soprano/alto.
After music we walked to lunch and met up with Esther and told her the news. I had my salad while everyone else had chicken tenders and just hung with my new best friends.

Kirstie's POV

I arrived at theater, but I didn't know anyone in the class so I sat alone. I noticed this cute boy sitting alone and decided to go over and talk to him.
"Hi I'm Kirstie" I said as I pulled a chair over.
"I'm Jeremy" he replied
"Nice to meet you."
"You too"
"So, do you like theater?"
"Yeah, do you?"
"I love it!"
"I wonder what show we are doing"
"Me too"
"I hope it's good"
"Me too. I hope I get a lead role"
"I don't really care what I get as long as I have some lines."
Our conversation was cut off by the teacher/director.
"Hello, my name is Violet, and the show we are doing is Aladdin"
Ooh I love Aladdin I thought.
"I will hand out the scripts and tomorrow there will be auditions." Violet announced.
I read over the script as I walked back to the bunk. I knew I was ready to get that role.

Avi's POV

Music: the classics wasn't very interesting but Kevin and I we talking most of the time but I enjoyed it.  After the class we were all back in the bunk doing our things, until it came time when we needed to shower.
"You guys know no one can walk around naked and you must change in the stalls and when going from stall to shower or vise versa. Now it is time to shower" Esther said
After we were all showered and clean we hung out and talked, like we had known each other for years. It felt amazing.

Kevin's POV

After dinner we went to canteen to hang out, but it was an option. Mitch and Scott were the only people who didn't come but we had a long day and music tomorrow will be fun.

A/N: thanks for reading this chapter I had so much fun writing it

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